Google's ChatGPT rival Bard. Is it better?

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Google has just announced their new ChatGPT AI competitor Bard. Will it be the next big thing or will ChatGPT keep the throne?

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IMHO, what I see right now is Google panicking. They didn't see Chatgpt coming and how disruptive it would be, now they know they can't leave the field open for too long and yet they still struggle to release anything at all for months. Now the time has apparently come, but they basically present an improved version of Google Search that will answer you as accurately as now, but in a more natural way. That's great, but that's not Chatgpt. The AI world is moving fast, though, and with Google also having virtually unlimited cash this year will be promising for sure.


Best dad joke, far as I know its original. "What to hear a dad joke? It's not free. You have to Pay attention"


Competition isn't bad after all. Google had this sitting on their shelf for the longest time then all of a sudden chat gpt starts making progress and Google realized it's time to get it off the shelf. Now if chat got never existed then googles ai will still be on the shelf.


will see, LAION has just started the open assistant initiative to create an open source version of chatGPT.


I'm wondering...will Bard be able to also create script codes for different programs as much as it's possible using ChatGPT?


If it's not open to the public it certainly isn't better. OpeAI is 49% owned by Microsoft which corporation to support hmm. We need more open source ventures for the public. Once some of these AIs are "rendered" they can be ran on much simpler hardware. It takes networekrd servers to train them in comparion.


Your mic quality is insane, can you share what it is?
Perhaps a little sensitive hiss on the "S" though. That needs to be tuned down.


8:55 - Yeah and it probably is gonna be even more advanced in the future with (hopefully) features of generating images along the chat for the user so he/she can understand what the bot is talking about visually or being able to answer questions about Youtube videos through sharing links and asking questions about it and so on (it could also be possible one day to even have such chat bot that will be able to invent stuff you ask it to invent and the output would be the steps and explanation of the invention and how to build it + provided accurate photos of it and accurate blueprints), the future of this whole tech of AI is so impressive, we can barely even start to get how powerfull and revolutionary this tech is.


I wonder if Google will mix advertising into the Bard's answers, as it does with search results?


12:36 - What....? how come ChatGPT knows about Bard? (I thought it only knows stuff up to 2021, did they update it's knowledge lately?)


if you recognize this words: AI, ChatGPT, software,
you will waist your time on this, just THE NEWS:) google soon will have AI competitor that talks:)


Google is announcing this and that since last many years but haven't seen any product yet. Don't make videos on unreleased products. It's just hype no need to play into that. Let them release a product first meanwhile make videos which is actually useful to ppl. I am disliking this one.
