The Entire History of the American Civil War - ALL EPISODES

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How did the American Civil War Happen? - ALL PARTS

Before the cannons fired at Fort Sumter, the war had already begun, in debates, in laws, in the growing divide between north and south. This documentary takes you through the full story of the American Civil War, from the tensions that built over decades to the actual conflict and battles that changed the nation forever.

♦Music by Epidemic Sound

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AMAZING!!! Complete story of the Civil War like THIS must have been quite a task to create!!! Bowing to the whole crew! Thanks guys! /From Denmark | Gønge |


Beautifully done. It is YouTube videos like this that deserve high recognition.


The Civil War completely reshaped the United States, but in many ways, the divisions from that era still linger today. How much of its impact do we still see in modern America?


Great video. I am very impressed with your knowledge of the American Civil War. You are truly an expert!


That would be one hell of a Risk Board Game


This video masterfully encapsulates the complex and pivotal history of the American Civil War, shedding light on the battles, leaders, and profound consequences that shaped the nation. A must-watch for history enthusiasts!


Miss a couple important cultural points.
Examples, like how the Battle of Fort Sumter started the civil war in our modern teachings. Yet, it wasn’t till after the battle of Fort Sumpter, and the then calling for SOUTHERN Troops to retake it back did the rest of the confederacy succeed. States like Virginia DID NOT flip till the calling of troops. On top of this, the battle of Fort Sumter was NEARLY a bloodless battle, with only one casualty between the two sides. No one really thought at this time a Civil war had actually started. Which made me very confused when you mentioned the crowds of people following and cheering troops in the next battle. Thinking their side was gonna win. This is usually perceived differently, as in those people followed expecting it to be another Fort Sumter, just a show of force. Yet, it was a true battle unfortunately. This, this is the true start of the Civil War. When both sides aimed to kill.


The Civil War undeniably had a profound and lasting impact on the United States, fundamentally altering its social, political, and economic structures. While the war ended slavery and preserved the Union, it also left deep scars that continue to shape American society today. Issues like racial inequality, regional tensions, and struggles for civil rights can trace their roots back to that era.


Thank you. This canadian really appreciate a better understanding of the USA civil war.


I used to hate history in school, but Scarlett and Rhett made me curious about the civil war 🤪


Map at 8:26 is incorrect. It doesn't correctly show the land of the Gasden Purchase, a region from the Gila river south including Tucson Arizona. The US purchased that separately. I will also note that the border between Texas and Mexico was always the Rio Grande, and the Mexicans pretended that the much smaller Brazos River should be the border.


Fort Sumter would have been flying a 33 star flag at that time.


@knowledgia when you guys get around to it can you do cold war: korea vietnam soviet afghan war space race and nuclear arms race would love to see all of this in a series


y the narrator making it feel like like a action movie lmao.


Maybe at 27:26 I'm not far enough in but you didn't mention "honest Abe" was tongue in cheek, that he was a BAR attorney and as such could only be Commander in Chief, that the British bankers funded both sides of the war and used the slavery issue to cause the division needed, congress adjourned in 1861 over southern states not agreeing about being obligated to pay northern debt. I'll keep watching to see if you mention The Leiber Code and Lincoln's rump congress.


I notice a mistake. at 37:39 There is a blurb that says that Tennessee joined the the Confederate States on July 2nd, 1961 instead of July 2nd, 1861.


Did you ever question General Lee not sure if he was a general at Harpers Ferry but why would a general from West point of all places being in charge of marines that’s a very interesting question probably above your pay grade


Increase playback speed to 1.25. You're welcome.


Kentucky is a southern state, south of the mason dixon. Your map doesnt show that. Yes, the state was split with half fighting for the north qnd half for the south but that does not change the fact that it is a southern state.
