Der Geher in Bergisch Gladbach: Bensberg

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I am Der Geher and return to Bergisch Gladbach. After Herkenrath it passes this time through the district of Bensberg. From Anna Maria Medici Place the path leads past old houses to the town hall. Down the street Burggraben and through the city center back up the hill. A cobblestone street leads back to Bensberg Castle. After the St. Nicholas & St. Joseph Church, it's downhill again. This time into the Milchborntal with the Hardt nature reserve and outdoor swimming pool.
Bensberg began around a Frankish castle and was first mentioned in 1139. The old castle, since the early 70s the town hall, was later used by the counts of Berg as a residential castle. Economically, things were looking up when the construction of the new castle began. Duke Johann Wilhelm and his wife Anna Maria de' Medici were both friends of hunting and used the baroque hunting castle near the Königsforst hunting ground. Today, the new castle houses, among other things, a hotel and the restaurant Vendôme
Filmed: November 16th, 2022
Weather: sun
Temerature: 12°C, 54°F
00:00 Anna Maria Medici Place
06:55 City Hall
11:24 City center
16:44 Bensberg Castle
22:04 Milchborntal
28:59 Hardt nature reserve
Der Geher, ASMR, sleep asmr, stress relief, street, POV, street photography, street photography pov, gopro8, street camera, street photographer, travel guide, peaceful, ambience sounds, walkingtour, HDR, HDR4K, 4KHDR, HDRvideos, HDRcityviews, meditative, BreathandRelax, meditation, concentration
Bensberg began around a Frankish castle and was first mentioned in 1139. The old castle, since the early 70s the town hall, was later used by the counts of Berg as a residential castle. Economically, things were looking up when the construction of the new castle began. Duke Johann Wilhelm and his wife Anna Maria de' Medici were both friends of hunting and used the baroque hunting castle near the Königsforst hunting ground. Today, the new castle houses, among other things, a hotel and the restaurant Vendôme
Filmed: November 16th, 2022
Weather: sun
Temerature: 12°C, 54°F
00:00 Anna Maria Medici Place
06:55 City Hall
11:24 City center
16:44 Bensberg Castle
22:04 Milchborntal
28:59 Hardt nature reserve
Der Geher, ASMR, sleep asmr, stress relief, street, POV, street photography, street photography pov, gopro8, street camera, street photographer, travel guide, peaceful, ambience sounds, walkingtour, HDR, HDR4K, 4KHDR, HDRvideos, HDRcityviews, meditative, BreathandRelax, meditation, concentration