What is Cloud Security Compliance | Centraleyes

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Cloud Security Compliance is the process and act of complying with the regulatory standards for using the cloud, according to industry guidelines and associated laws. Non-compliance can lead to financial and reputational damage, business interruption and legal challenges.

The cloud has been a driving force behind the growth of service providers like System as a service (IaaS), Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) or Platform as a service (PaaS).

AWS, Azure and GCP are the main cloud providers where many organizations have moved the majority of their digital activity, from the applications they manage, to products they use and all the way through products and solutions they create.

Data saved in the cloud is relatively safe, especially in comparison to saving information on your hard drive, but it still faces many of the challenges of information security.

Growing numbers of businesses want to take advantage of the cloud’s easy scalability, flexibility, increased efficiency and above all, improved data security.

Advantages of using the cloud include:
Low Costs
Easy Accessibility
Good Recovery Options
Business Continuity
Robust security

Disadvantages of using the cloud can include:
Dependency on Internet Connectivity
Gray Areas of Responsibility: Is it the Owner of the Data or the cloud service provider (CSP)
Data Transfer Capacity Issues (and associated costs)
Reliance on cloud service providers CSP’s implementation of Cloud Security
Limited Visibility of Company’s Networks and Structure
And, of course, Cyber Threats

This is why you need to comply with regulatory standards for using the cloud.
There’s a choice of security frameworks out there specifically for cloud security, such as the CSA Star Program and FedRamp.

There are also frameworks that are applicable to cloud users as well such as COBIT, ISO 27001, and NIST CSF.
The main areas to be taken from these frameworks that will help boost cloud security are: Governance, Change Management, Continual Monitoring, Vulnerability Management, and Reporting.

Securing environments and certifications on data centers such as AWS, Azure and GCP does not mean that your data is protected.

The way you implement your environment and follow best practices is the key element in meeting cloud security compliance.

Focusing on cloud compliance management and using a cloud security framework will give your organization a frame of reference, the ability to measure compliance, allow you to prioritize what needs to be done, help with timelines and budget decisions, and assure you of achieving top security levels.

Internal company cloud compliance must be at least as rigorous as that expected from external controls.
Constant monitoring and scanning must be implemented to detect breaches immediately.
and rigorous third party vendor assessments are necessary.

Cloud security compliance can be a challenge. Using an automated risk and compliance management platform such as Centraleyes will streamline and simplify the process to full compliance. These tools save hundreds of hours by automating manual tasks such as onboarding, remediation, analysis and reporting.

#CloudSecurity #CloudCompliance #riskmanagement
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