30 Most Powerful Militaries In The World - You'll Be Surprised 2024

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In today’s video, we ranked the 30 most powerful countries worldwide by their military assets.
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Who thinks France should be higher than 11th?


Geçen yıl 5. olan Fransa🇲🇫 bu yıl nasıl olurda İtalyanın🇮🇹gerisine düşer ve 11. olur ne değişti acaba 😏 Türkiye çok güçlü 🇹🇷⚔️💪


Russia shouldn’t be second but they are 2nd because they have the most Nukes.


There is a complete lack of logic in this list and the fact that there are still those who agree to rank Russia in second place only proves it. As well as countries that get a high place on the list even though the amount of their equipment is small and its quality is poor (Example of countries if such wrong ranking: Argentina, Brazil, UK, Australia and many more)


The most are old and not from this time .


dude you compare quantity over quality. israel took out the whole iranian air defense systems within 2 hours. lol


If you create content, show Indonesia, that's where your content will be seen by a country with a large population and high and fanatical nationalism.


A very big big big mistake: where is North


You clearly need to take the Technology and Quality of the Armed forces into this ranking.Look at Russia, it was impressive on Paper, but their Army sucks bigly.


Ασχοληθητε με κατι που γνωρίζετε καλυτερα...Καμια σωστη ενημερωση δεν υπαρχει στα παραπανω..


Здесь нету Северной Кореи, инфа неправильная.


Usa, Russia, China, İndia, Pakistan, North Korea, United Kingdom, France And İsrael.( Al Nuclear Power ).


The survey is not broad based enough, to show any accurate results. This is s useless survey.


сейчас не главное численнось а главное технологии и мозги и кто в мире самый


I would say Germany is within the top ten.


Une armée puissante est une armée AUTONOME donc qui ne dépend pas des livraisons et du bon vouloir du pays qui lui vend et il existe 3 pays qui développent et produisent leurs armes (USA, RUSSIE et FRANCE).La technologie de la France et les USA surclasse largement celle de la Russie dans tous les domaines Le nombre ne compte plus car les systèmes d'armes sont tellement puissant et précis que ça suffit comme par exemple l'inter opérabilité des systèmes d'armes.Ex: SCORPION :3 types de blindés dont le Griffon 😮 N 1 dans sa catégorie, le LECLERC N 1, le CEASAR N1(les USA veulent en acheter 😮), en appuie par des RAFALES N1, Des TIGER parmi les meilleurs, le tout peut être projeté (seulement les USA et la France ont ces capacités) grâce aux 3 bâtiment style Dixmude appuyé par des Frégates lance missiles de croisière (Missiles ultra précis donc 1 suffit pour une cible) les FREMM unique et aussi N1 et cela nécessiterait que quelques milliers de soldats(parmi les mieux équipés et entraînés)au sol et je parle pas de tout mais c'est simplement pour faire la différence entre la puissance et le nombre et surtout la logistique (livraison et production incluse). C'est aussi pour ça qu'on ne stock PAS !!!! Donc les OUAIS on pas assez de chars ect.... c'est normal et j'ai comme beaucoup connu le temps ou les français étaient connus pour être chauvin et fières avant cette culture de l'auto flagellation, avant le fait de dire vive la France ou j'aime mon pays soit perçu comme une provocation (UNIQUE AU MONDE). Bon 😂 il y a aussi les rageux et les jaloux qui savent que nos armées ont une puissance de frappe souvent envié et aussi Respecté mais 😮!!!! Moi je suis content que les rageux, les jaloux qui auraient pour armes un gros complexe d'infériorité ne soit pas une armée car on aurait aucune chance 😂😂


Ukrain ? 900, 000 military service 😂. You must be kidding


I was waiting but I didn' t see Greece, in this list, with about 1.350 tanks, 200 fighter aircrafts, 20 atttack helicopters, about 130.000 active military personel, and about 200.000 reserve personel, 13 frigates, 8 submarines, and more of course navy forces. What is this video? a kind of USA military forces advertìsement? Because I saw for example Indonesia, in the list, and nothing about Greece. It' s only to laugh for, and not to take seriously. If you want to take you seriously, be more objective...next time, because now you didn' t. Look it' s not about nationalism here, but Greece a country with only 10 milion people, (even if in our history we didn' t scare of numbers, and populations, neither in persic wars, you have heard about Marathon, Thermopylae, I think, nor in Alexander the Great wars, who is Greek of course, nor in 1821 against otoman empire in the war of independence, nor in Balcan wars, or the war against fasism, Italy and the nazi in 1940, and many other wars) well a 10 million people country is forced, because of course we are not Luxembourg, and we have the madness and the danger of Turkey, a country that claims a part of our territorial sovereignty, many years ago. And Turkey of course is not a country, but only the buldog of great powers in the region, and that' why we had 3 memorandums here, loans, poverty, etc. here because we are a not, good and calm as people, but reactive, and they must...control us. That' s why we forced to give a big amount of budget for weapons instead of education, health, etc, and yes, for...sure, we are higher in such list, that you chose not to include us at all. Ok. I laugh...only laughing can be my responce to this. Bye bye!!!


Какаго хера Италия выше Франции 😂😂😂, у Франции ядерное оружие...
Чушь....и украстЬине не место в списке, у них своего нет уже ничего.
У англию, поставили через чур высоко..бред


Siapa bilang AS negara terkuat..negara terlemah AS
