espar d2 heater repair and burner chamber cleaning

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disassembling a espar d2 diesel bunk heater cleaning the burner chamber installing new atomizer screen and re installing.

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Great job Ezrider359 !!!
Tips from a certified Espar tech (Do your homework before jumping in and raising the cost of your repairs):
1) Maintain the area well ventilated where the Espar D2 unit is located. It has a internal temp sensor and if the D2 is in an enclosed space or there is stuff covering it or blocking air circulation, the D2 will not work like it should/heat the space like you want.
2) Learn to perform regular maintenance on the D2. Learn your equipment, it is not hard, and save paying $100-$700 for a 'service call'.
3) Approximately once every three months, run the D2 using a quart of kerosene. It will clean the D2 as it burns and lengthens the possibilities of problems between maintenance.
4) When removing the rubber boot from the top of the glow plug, gently roll the boot off the plug. Do not pull or yank on the boot. When reinstalling the rubber boot, gently roll the boot into position and ensure a good seal.
5) The main challenge with maintaining the D2 is removing the atomizer screen. You will need something similar to a small narrow dental pick and narrow/long needle nose pliers. Gently insert the pick between the screen and combustion chamber wall, deform the screen inward enough to then grab with the needle nose pliers, while slowly pulling out in a circular motion if able. Best of luck as it took me 45 minutes with the wrong tools.
6) The glow plug can be cleaned with a green 3M Scotchbrite pad and last thousands of hour. Treat it gently and reuse it.
7) When the atomizer screen is installed, align the spot welds on the opposite side (180 degree away from) of the burner induction hole (well toward the inside of the D2 unit).
8) When installing the glow plug, do not over tighten. Snug it up with about 1-2 ft/lbs torque.

9) Take pictures/videos during your careful disassembly to help you reassemble the D2 correctly.


Here you are 5 years later still helping people with this video. Thank you very much


Excellent video, I was able to fix mine after watching this video! Now my truck is nice and warm, , , thank you!


Thank you for the video...You are saving yourself a lot of money doing your own repairs..Have a blessed day..


Another great video I've found to that if you run your heater on high for 10 mins once a month even in summer or at oil change time it seems to go farther in between services


Very good presentation. Thank you. You can also remove the glow plug without a slotted socket by using a wrench on the exposed hex AFTER you have opened the front fan assembly chamber (see image at t=5:45) - no special tools required - just a 14 mm open


Excellent video on how to service the D2 !! You saved me $700 !!


Wow, it starts right away and without white smoke!!! Good video, thank you.


Nice thanks, my heater all the time began to work than stopped began again to work and stopped and than it began to heat after that process it also was stinky inside by starting, and now at the end error appeared it wasnt no more possible to heat
So i found your video cleaned everything like you and now first try heating all is okay no problems
Thanks alot

It really made me angry the last months more and more :PP


Best one I’ve seen so far. Direct & on point.


You just saved my ass in the winter. Much thanks


I followed your instructional video to the TEE I am very mechanically inclined but certain things i need help. Ince i tore everything down I cleaned mine woth brake cleaner and replaced my glow plug with a new one the gasket was torn the ine going to the housing but with the black gasket maker perma tex i made a new one. Thanks my truck is back to being warm again!!! By the way I also saved 600 on labor and parts and god knows what else


Great video I highly recommend running it on high about ounce a month why your home or in the shower with the windows cranked let it clean itself out full blast for atleast 3 hrs this will help having to tear it down so much


Great video. Internet is full of discussions how to fix a non starting or steaming diesel heater. That's the way you can fix it easily. Works for similar units with other trade names like Webasto, Eberspächer, Vevor, Planar etc.
Be sure to have at least the new inner gasket . D2 and D4 have different gaskets.


Ian Bliss is out here with the best tutorial for repairing diesel-fired heaters. 👈😎👉


Great job at throwing insights into this repair!! No nonsense! Thumbs up Thanks!


Thank you very much! Straight to the point directions


I wish all how videos were made like this. No BS


Awesome video!!! My heater works like new!


Thank you Sir, very helpful video, keep doing such a videos .
