Should Women be 'Submissive' at Home?

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Former professional volleyball player Gabby Reece has been at the center of a huge controversy about the role of wives in marriage. In her new book she says, "to truly be feminine means being soft, receptive, and --look out, here it comes-- submissive.
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Why is sex every other day so distasteful to Katie?  Katie sounds very judgmental even after she said that she does not think we should be so judgmental.  I see this as a way for her to silence Gabby and then lecture her after she read very critical comments.  It was like Katie wanted to get in a couple punches to the nose and then say, lets not fight.  This passes for fair and unbiased reporting?


She's absolutely right about sex not being an option - it's essential to a well-functioning marriage.
It's so telling how they laugh at the idea of spouses having sex every 48 hours. Their liberal, feminist relationships are so dead, they find the idea of sex some kind of chore.


I want to be submissive so bad. The problem I have is finding someone that wants that. I get the best feeling from making the man I love happy. I want to do whatever he says. Just as long as he deserves it.


She sounds like a ideal woman
Ignore the bitter women who can't hold down a relationship


I have not read this book but from the brief explainatations i do agree and like what she said. Not a wimp but i just parted ways with my gf....tired of battling on all issues. Sometimes a woman can be like another man...and in my home there is only one KING and thats me.


Why is Couric being so defensive? Maybe she wears the pants in her family but I bet Reece has the better relationship! There are many types of power and Reece just decided to pursue the one that builds a stronger marriage. Anerican women have lost their way due to toxic feminism.


Katie, I didn't like the way you approached Gabby after calling her on your own show - it came off disrespectful and seemed as if you were the one judging her and attacking her on live television. Look at how Gabby Reece responded - true class. Gabby wrote her book to empower women (she herself is such a successful and accomplished woman also married to such a successful and accomplished man). She wrote the book to let women know that a man cannot make them happy and that they need to find happiness for themselves and discover who they are as an individual. It's a beautiful and uplifting message and it's disappointing to see someone like you criticizing her for giving other women recommendations and guidelines for what may create a happy marriage and a peaceful home environment for all, the husband and the wife. God created Eve (peace be upon her) for Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) as a gift, and she treated him as if she was his gift, but it was just as important for Adam to treat, cherish and love Eve as if she was his gift. It goes both ways. There are certain rules and guidelines sent down by God that people have used for over thousands of years to have successful marriages and for husbands and wives to know their individual roles and guess what? For thousands of years they have worked. The feminist movement (which is relatively recent) was a result of many things, but one of them was from men being abusive, oppressive and unfaithful. That is why women finally revolted and had an uproar to create change, but that change has gone to another extreme where women are trying to be men now and this is breaking up our society and families. Women can never be men and men can never be women. Both should know that they are honored and have been given their gender and roles for a specific reason that only our Creator knows and that is what is best for them. I am blessed to be married to a beautiful, strong, driven woman who is a working professional, a dentist who performs surgical procedures everyday and changes lives - she is a force to be reckoned with. I love her and respect her to the max. That does not make me weak or below her. My wife loving and respecting me to the max (or being submissive to me as a wife as Gabby puts it) does not make her weak or below me. She is my Queen and I am her King and we are creating our empire in this life and, God willing, in the next, with mutual love, respect and mercy for all. God bless.


Marriage is suppose to be 50/50 for God sakes, stop worrying about dominance and power and live your damn life. Sheesh...


People obsess on who dominates who but I think what is important is that couples are givers and that can be done in different ways. Maybe every 48 hrs is pushing it but atleast she is trying enhance her marriage. Am sure her husband appreciates it and gives back, if not then she deserves better. The problem I increasingly see with people like Kati is that she sounds like she has an issue with giving her partner what he wants assuming that makes her less equal or weak!


yes she should it is the natural order of things


I think some women like katie are legit SALTY that their man's dream women exist when they said a thousand times that she doesn't 😂


Good for you. You sound exactly like someone in the dark ages who just heard Galileo give a speech. If you don't agree with her, you don't have to get so violent. When gay marriage is discussed, am sure you find it appealing and acceptable but this woman talking about how she found peace in her marriage after a near divorce, you find it objectionable. What do you know about men that makes you think this is so wrong? Your problem is that you think men are like women and behave the same way.


I mean, if her marriage is good...but the women commenting can't maintain a relationship...then who's winning? Her way isn't the way for everyone. That's just a guideline. Folks gotta do what works for their relationship.


It's very good medicine. It will end those headaches you keep having.


Gabby is correct..sexual attraction/chemistry/passion for our partners is terrific..I don't think it's part of being submissive at all.. it's an enjoyable healthy activity..


I don't get why women find being submissive a bad thing, it's the natural role of women and women enjoy it. Women today try too hard to be like men.


I love you Gabby. I am dying to find a sexy/submissive woman just like you! You are feminine yet brave. Thank you for being strong to your beliefs. 


Katie is jealous she can’t find a real man.


Women spend so much time trying to be equal to men that there are hardly any ladies left in society. Why would I want something that is the same as me unless I was homosexual. I want the opposite of a man. Soft, gentle, emotional, smell good, clean & beautiful. Not some broad with a ego to match my own & compete with me like she is a dude. Ladies think about what equal means.


If you read scriptures they are all Promoting submissiveness of a wife towards her husband. That was a way of life for 100s of years. And they were happy. But we changed our direction few years back and messed up our lives and brought disasters upon ourselves. The worst is that we are promoting that to other societies and confusing them as well. Happiness is Submission to God Alone.
