Water Oak (Quercus nigra)

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Dudley Phelps shows us just how many acorns a Water Oak can produce. If you are looking for super heavy, consistent, mast producer to plant on your property this easy to establish and grow red oak is for you.

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Everything you said is true. A bit more info might be helpful. I'm on a volunteer disaster chainsaw team. I've noticed that after bad storms across the south, about 85% of the downed trees are water oaks. They pull up a huge root ball, but no taproot (no they don't break off). Don't know if all water oaks fail to put down a taproot, but none of the root balls that I've seen have them. I suggest, if you plant one water oak, plan two or three within the likely root zone. I've never seen one blown over that had roots interconnected to other trees. Similar to redwoods.


Just found your channel and subscribed!!!! Great video!!!


Two kinds of Water Oak; ones that rot and shed limbs on your house and then there's the ones that rot and shed limbs somewhere other than your house. Either way, to hell with a Water Oak.


I just ordered the Shuwater oak 6 pack that's on sale. Hoping for all the good traits of both parents. Fast growth, big acorns and ability to grow almost anywhere.


They tell me the water oak is a magnet for termites, is this true ???


after year, the squirrels loved my tree. It was a pleasure to watch them. Unfortunately it is rotting at the bottom and shedding a lot of big branches and has to come down....*


I hate them dang things. They are good around a duck pond but that is it. Don’t ever put one near your house or you’ll need insurance yo repair your roof.
