Pastor John Hagee - 'Joseph: The Darkest Hour'

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A plan pursued with intelligent action will conquer your darkest hour and bring you into the palace of the King. In the worst of times you can have the best of things when the Prince of Peace is the Lord of your life. Champions are never chosen from the ranks of the unscarred. The thing that threatens to destroy you, God is using to deliver you!
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Pastor Hagee tells the unvarnished truth about sin, and he is not afraid to preach God's Word without compromising.I believe that those pastors who don't stand for righteousness will be removed..We should remember about what God's Word has to say about those in leadership positions: To whom much is given, much is required;If they fail to do what is right in God's eyes, judgment will be very severe. God bless and keep Pastor Hagee and his family along with his ministerial. team I also admire him for standing alongside the nation of Israel, and I believe this nation. should reaffirm and strengthen our ties with Israel, because it says in Genesis 12::3 Those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse you will be cursed.


Glory be to God!!! After so much struggles I now own a new house with an influx of $47, 000.00 every month God has kept to his words, my family is happy again everything is finally falling into place. God bless Kinross Oil
