18th SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (B) 5th August 2018

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The reflections for Sundays and Solemnities is an activity of Society of St Paul, India

A Reflection by:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

All of us have a tendency to use God to find a solution to the nitty-gritty issues of our daily life.

During the monsoons, if we forget to take carry an umbrella, we ask God to keep the rain away.

If we are late to work, we ask God to delay our usual train or bus so that we can catch it.

Sometimes what we ask for happens and we feel very happy and thank God for the favour.

When it doesn’t happen, we feel God is not answering our prayers.

In reality, are we not reducing our Almighty God to a mere favour vending machine?

In this Sunday’s gospel Jesus tells the people, who made so much effort to get into boats and cross to Capernaum, “I tell you most solemnly, you are not looking for me because you have seen the signs but because you had all the bread you wanted to eat” (Jn 6:26).

Yes, if we do some soul searching, we will find that, more often than not, what Jesus told his people holds true in our case too, more often than not.

There is an increasing tendency now-a-days to flock to those religious shrines and retreat centres where miracles are reported to have taken place.
What are we interested in—the favours from God or the God who can favour us?

Unfortunately, much of our God seeking is done with selfish interests. That’s perhaps why the desired result is not seen in our life.

Saint Paul in today’s Second Reading advises us to undergo a spiritual revolution by “putting away the old self of our former way of life, corrupted through deceitful desires, and be renewed in the spirit of our minds, and put on the new self, created in God's way in righteousness and holiness of truth…” (Eph 4:22-24).

It’s fitting to ask ourselves, why do I come to church, why do I seek God: Is relating to Him merely a matter of convenience? Is it just out of habit and tradition? Or is it simply that God can solve my material problems?

Saint Ignatius of Loyola said: “Seek not the consolation of God, but seek the God of consolation.”

There are times when we imitate the Israelites , as of whom we hear in the First Reading. We murmur against God. ‘God is good’ as long as everything goes well in our life.

However, when faced with difficulties we forget all His goodness and find fault with Him. In stead of counting our blessings we end up counting our woesmiseries and what we lack in life.

If we come to Jesus only to satisfy have our material needs satisfied, how different are we from the people who sought Jesus for more food?

All of Jesus’ miracles, healings and signs were an invitation for people to begin an intimate relationship with him, and in doing so become one with the Father.

It is this intimacy that Jesus expresses in the symbol of bread, when he says, “I am the bread of life” (Jn 6:35). Through the bread of life, the Eucharist, Jesus transforms us into persons who can go out and change the world through our works of service, kindness, understanding and sincerity ;— v - values that the world is badly in need of.

We come to Holy Communion not because we are holy or worthy;, in fact we admit we are not worthy. We come to Holy Communion precisely because we are weak and needy.

Our daily bread is the nourishment we need to see us through our stress- filled days and nights. Our daily bread is meant to give us the strength we need, the patience and understanding we need, the fidelity we need to see us through another day.

Finally, we must remember that by partaking in the Eucharistic meal, we have the responsibility of carrying God to others, giving them an experience of God’s loving concern for them.

By our willing service, sharing our time and talents, walk going the extra mile with those in need, we are being Jesus to people and the world becomes a better place.

God bless you!
Рекомендации по теме

That is a very good and clear challenge to us christians.


Very nice reflections Fr. Joby. It is very nice to know that there are priests discourage people from seeking miracles for the sake of miracles. - Fr. Syam Kumar MSC


nice reflection Fr Joby... its appreciated if u can delete/ reduce the Background score volume
