Solo Endless Mode Waves 1-90 With Only Three Towers The Cheapest Way | Tower Defense X

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How To Solo Beat Endless Mode Waves 1-90 With Only Three Towers The Cheapest Way

Roblox Tower Defense X

Total Time:

0:00 — 1 to 25 wave
13:05 — 25 wave Plague Doctor
14:33 — 26-30 waves
16:42 — 30 wave Revived Plague Doctor
17:52 — 31-35 waves
19:47 — 35 wave Predator & Eradicator
21:19 — 36-40 waves
22:46 — 40 wave Eradicator & Eradicator MK II
24:40 — 41-50 waves
28:01 — 50 wave Eradicator MK IV
29:21 — 51-60 waves
33:26 — 60 wave Eradicator MK I C
34:55 — 61-70 waves
38:50 — 70 wave Apex Predator
40:26 — 71-80 waves
44:01 — 80 wave Calamity
49:02 — 81-91 waves
Рекомендации по теме

every number = 10 waves

1. place laser gunner 2-2 and skip until wave 3
place more laser gunner 2-2
you should leak 3 heavy contanied
and leak even more stuff and also place down more lasergunners
you hp should be 500 - 449
place like 7 laasergunners 2-2
get xwm on wave 12 or smth and upgrade to rocket path (bottom path)
you shouldnt leak any more enemies until wave 90
alsp get a laser gunner in the back to help the xwm
with stealth dudes sell the back laser gunner
when you get rocket pod xwm
place another xwm upgrade to bottom path
place your 3rd xwm and upgrade to bot path
emote (optional)
spam like 2 more bot path xwm
place your first top path xwm

2. it should be like wave 20 by now
once you get 3-2 xwm you get another 3-2 xwm
emote again (optional)
skip wave 22
dont skip wave 23
make sure you kill every thing in wave 23
get 4-2 xwm
plague doctor should die
upgrade another xwm to 4-2
spam 4-2 xwm like theres no tommorow
you should have 4 top path xwm
3 4-2's and one 3-2
on wave 26 btw
emote (optional)
dont skip wave 26
skip wave 27
skip the rush wave (wave 28)
set your top path xwm to last targetting
reminder you that you shouldnt have any railgunners by now
skip wave 29
revived plague should die

3. upgrade you top path xwm to max
3 of them once rev plag doc reaches 30k health
skip wave 30 when rev plague dies
skip wave 31 when confident all the stuff should die upgrade xwm from
4-2 to max
place another top xwm
place another top xwm
upgrade new xwm to top path
avatars shouldnt be a problem
also reminder to sell your lasergunners
also reminder to set all your xwm to last
skip wave 35 when your confident erad dies
spam more xwm top path
erad and mkII: spam laser gunner baits and place xwm's
get 3 xwm and upgrade them if you can
erad should die" wave 41 now
uh spam more xwm and yeah upgrade them
protip : if you have 215, 999 mones you can place
max top path xwm so yeah
every wave is a filler until wave 50
also place some bot path xwm skip wave 48 when enemies are low or you
confident they should die

5. wave 50 : spam some more lg bait's
if xwm die thaths fine they can rebuild
tip: if xwm have 1 reabuild left sell and replace
erad mkiv should be in rage when like 4th cornet of the map
sell you bot path xwm
get bot path xwm on the like cago thingy max them out
idk what to write between the boss wave's
wave 59 everything should die

6: spam lg baits erad mkic should activate rage near like
3rd corner of the map
spam some bot path rails
and some xwm bot path
spam some rail gunners near cargo thingy
and i mean some i mean like 11
and lear the corners
just like outside the firing range of mkic
these comment strat's are kinda easy to write
(if you're willing to spend 1 hour)

7: apex predator minions should die
hunters should get absolutely decimated
after apex pred's shield he should be easier
and also spam some bot path rails
AFTER APEX PRED uhh get to wave 80 im sure you know
what to do by now spam bot path rails
and top path xwms if you already reached the 40 limit xwm
then bot path rails
deactivate your speed boost if you have it

8: calamity moment he spawns it like a million hp guys
that wont just die
defend the back or death moment
yes still spam some bot path rails also target first on the rails
protip : use c and v buttons to set targetting faster if xwm die replace
spam some strongest target rails and the calamity should be on like halfway thru the map or
smthyou should have like 120 towers by now
most of them are rails epic rage mode by calamity
first targetting rails now
calamity death moment
uhh and im not gonna write until wave 91 or smth because im not im
finishing it up now and uh yeah you should know what to do by now
spam rails spam xwm if xwm dies and add some bot path xwm in (and to dotapro1902 I DID CONTINUE IT TOOK TOO LONG)


Did you use any power ups?
I want to know before watching the entire video


thanks i will use this strat to get the skins


should i get g jugger instead of rail?, or i can do llaser g jugger and rail Edit: why u didnt used speed boost?


What luck that, eradicator mk I C combat fighter didnt use any of his strong attacks


im stuck at wave 80 i always almost defeat him but calamity just spawned horde near the end


Can i use artilerry for killing the disposalist in early and sell it to xwm bottom path??


how do you beat wave 80? i always lose on wave 79 and using your strat aswell




Can u add in warship and see how far u can get


how did he change the targetting without prssing the arrows?


I have easier strat but it’s more expensive
