10 signs you’re a chosen ones | unique qualities of the Chosen ones

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10 signs you’re a chosen ones | unique qualities of the Chosen ones

Hallo you beautiful lovely star seeds, welcome back to my channel. There are many people out there who live life never realizing that they are the chosen ones who are chosen to create a better world in this timeline. Due to how the society traditionally portray chosen ones and spiritually woke people, most of them often second guess their unique abilities, thinking that they are not enough and worthy for greatness. Today, I am going to reveal 10 outstanding qualities and signs you are truly a chosen one, the star seed who the society has cause a lot of pains because of their uniqueness. Chosen ones exist in different variations and reveals themselves in many ways. Here are the 10 qualities that proves you are truly a star seed, the chosen one. Number 1. You possess a unique sense of curiosity to know and understand life and the whole universe altogether. For chosen people, it doesn’t matter what kind of situation they find themselves. Though the go through a lot in life, which is undeniable. They leave life of extreme curiosity to know, to find knowledge and explore life. Because they have been chosen to build a new way of living here on earth. they are those type of people that like to question rules and regulations out of their curiosity to know. I don’t consider myself as a chosen one, but I know that chosen people are extremely curious to the core. What common people find hard or impossible, chosen people see it as a new opportunity to experiment, experience and explore. For them, nothing is simple or hard. They are always on the go seeking for new form of knowledge and are very enthusiastic to do anything possible to find wisdom in this new age of Aquarius. The more the journey of life gets harder, the more chosen people become curious to know how and why situation appear as they are. Due to the intensity of curiosity in built in the DNA of the chosen ones, this set of people are willing to spend the rest of their lives trying to figure out solutions, repattern a more functioning system in this broken world. Other people view their sense of curiosity as weird, or view them as being stupid. People most times may reject their ideas. This is because, they are not able to grasp their high sense of deep thoughts, or ideas. Because chosen ones possess high intensity of burning desire to create, which surpasses the mediocrity of the common people. However, they find themselves curiously exploring life alone due to too much misunderstanding. I might not consider the chosen ones as being highly intelligent, but one thing I know for sure is that, their mind is awakened to the hyper genius degree. And that is why many people jealous them and cause them a lot of pains. So, if you find yourself, always trying to learn more, chances are you are woke and ready to leave a life of abundance during the age of aquarius. This is also known as mind awakening, when someone will come to the point of naturally understanding everything in existence. If you are a chosen one, then you are always hungry to know and find out alternate solutions by yourself. You don’t follow the modern rules. Number 2. Your are creative or becoming more creative after your spiritual enlightenment.

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I don't feel alone knowing all of y'all exist 💕 Stay Strong


I thought of this quote the other day, "The greatest struggles are reserved for the strongest souls!". Stay true my people and look to the skies for instructions for what is coming next.


I live alone and have for years. While others would be staring at the tv, I am usually studying & researching in attempt to increase my knowledge of my role as a chosen one


I don't feel alone because God let's me know that he's always here with me


Chosen ones are naturally kind. That’s definitely a tell tell sign. This trait is often taken for granted. 😢 We must channel our kindness with caution.


I wanted to share this here because I felt like doing it. Ever since as a child I've been hated by everyone. I've been treated extremely different. Even my own family does that. As I grew up I grew away from people and I got into spirituality and this made me realise my true self. But as I got into myself more, people started treating me differently. They come to me only if they need me. Even if I know that, I end up helping them. Every one gave up on me. But I know that I'm not alone in this journey. This video came to me when I just finished crying. Thank y'all for your comments in this video. It made me feel I'm not alone


In my humble opinion, I think I am one of them. I send all of you tons of love and light. Let's build our 'New Earth'. Namaste


We are prime targets for Narcissists. I’m sure many of you can relate. Be careful and don’t be fooled — there are a ton of “spiritual narcissists” wearing masks too. That’s a growing trend as more people are getting educated. Love all you staying true out there. Up n’ UP. 🕊


I've noticed I used to be the biggest social butterfly before my awakening and now I am so content being at home by myself I only contact friends when I feel drawn too but I prefer my own company now 😌


I am 52, and have started my awakening at 21. Enlightenment came at around 45ish... Now I just glide through my days. Compassion, love, kindness, forgiveness to myself first, then others..


I have very less friends and I always be alone and I care for everyone but people hurts me jealous of me I don't understand why it's happening with me but now I realize why it is.


Dear Universe, I pray that everyone finds peace, love and be in the right path! #TOGETHER WE ONE!


Jesus too was a chosen one, he always is interceding for us at the right hand of his father... he said Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing ! ... and that’s how i always forgive them coz they don’t know what they’re doing .. they’re too scared to agree on it coz they don’t believe people like us exist ...


No one understands us.. But we understand each other. I love being alone and understanding myself and my spirituality. Thank you. #444


I love spending time alone enhancing my spirituality and I perceive each challenge as a learning experience. Many thanks.


I have FINALLY figured out why life with nearly my entire family has been SO hard. Thank you! To all of my old soul sisters and brothers…..Love to all of you! ❤️


I swear I am hated by everyone but every animal I meet gravitates towards me🤷


My mom directed me to this video today because she saw that identity with most of these qualities. I’m in tears right now because I went through all of this for a purpose. I always knew I was different, but now I know I’m Chosen. ✨✨✨✨


Chosen people are always misunderstood 99 percent everywhere


I feel completely alone as all my friends and family have torn my life apart and then deserted me. I have spent my entire life fighting unnecessary battles created by heartless people. I have wanted my heart to be hardened so I wouldn't feel so much but then I quickly go back on that because I never want to be like the people who hurt me. I can't imagine being so hateful and dead inside. I just wasn't created to hate but I'm tired of being hurt by the very people I love.
