Android App Tutorial - How to Upload CRUD API script and Mysql Database Online for FREE (Php MySql)
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This video is about how to upload and setup CRUD API php scripts to work with the android application describe in the following video:
"Delphi Android FMX -API CRUD Mysql at localhost & hosting server using tFDMemTable"
What you will find in this video:
2. Upload the Mysql database
4. Test the application
Source Code:
For testing our application in : We need to have a hosting that al least support PHP and My SQL, there are several free hosting, but let's tray
0 0 0 webhost dot com. its provide one Msyql database, 300 Mb disk spase and support PHP, so I think this should be sufficent for our application test purposes.If you outgrow the limits of free web hosting and need something more powerful tha you can upgrade the plan.
Free web hosting is also an amazing platform to start and learn coding, as it supports the most popular programming languages such as PHP, MySQL, HTML, JavaScript, CSS and more!
If you outgrow the limits of free web hosting and need something more powerful
REST API (Representational State Transfer). Is a data communication architecture using the HTTP protocol to receive and respond (request and response) data.
Simply put, the API is a bridge that connects applications with other applications. So, in this tutorial, we will create an API using PHP.
"Delphi Android FMX -API CRUD Mysql at localhost & hosting server using tFDMemTable"
What you will find in this video:
2. Upload the Mysql database
4. Test the application
Source Code:
For testing our application in : We need to have a hosting that al least support PHP and My SQL, there are several free hosting, but let's tray
0 0 0 webhost dot com. its provide one Msyql database, 300 Mb disk spase and support PHP, so I think this should be sufficent for our application test purposes.If you outgrow the limits of free web hosting and need something more powerful tha you can upgrade the plan.
Free web hosting is also an amazing platform to start and learn coding, as it supports the most popular programming languages such as PHP, MySQL, HTML, JavaScript, CSS and more!
If you outgrow the limits of free web hosting and need something more powerful
REST API (Representational State Transfer). Is a data communication architecture using the HTTP protocol to receive and respond (request and response) data.
Simply put, the API is a bridge that connects applications with other applications. So, in this tutorial, we will create an API using PHP.