Is This Meta Trash or Godlike? - SMITE

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I just want them to delete the annoying ghosts that serve no purpose other than to stop you from backing. My heart rate literally goes up when I'm having fun, in a rythm, make a big play but then I have a useless ghost stopping my back for no reason. THis is especially cringy for supports that can't kill the ghosts quickly.


I’ve found, by and large, that the unleashed titans don’t do much aside from force a team fight, but I did have a game yesterday where our Titan helped us take a tower and a phoenix, which was clutch


I hate the yellow number meta in solo. I’m glad solos can do things again, but hybrid items felt so much better and healthier for the game.


In my opinion season of souls is the best on paper but worst in practicality so far in S10. It is so painfully obvious in each class who the haves and have-nots are. Before the power nerfs any carry/mid could do good because the items were so strong. Now if you don't play the high tier characters, you WILL feel it. The roles are more balanced, but you can only play a few characters in each without lowkey selling the game


as someone who left the game in the start of year 10 and just came back, I actually really like the new meta and the titans walking down the lane helps force a fight and imo makes the game feel a lot faster


I don't mind the tank meta, but this tank meta is unique because it legitimately exposed how stupid are smite players in general, especially in ranked.

Pushing unnecessary fights
Not farming
Fighting at the god's weakest stage
Not warding
Ignoring the beacon
Ego stroking
Not being careful
Picking dumb gods with awful builds
Running off doing their own things
Wussing out of fights when the team commits to one.
Begging for ganks despite jungle is currently in one a lane next door.
No map awareness or tunnel vision

I find it funny that the gold ranked players are better players than the plat ones. I can see the massive difference when i escaped the gold area to plat 4 with shiva... only to be sent back to gold one when i played with plats.


I wish someone would go through all the MOBAs showing the differences in god/champion/hero design with Smite, League, HOTS, HoN, Dota 2.


Prydwen needs some slight damage tuning, and from my experience I'd like to see Manticore Spikes go from 4%/8% damage to 3%/6% damage. I don't think Glad Shield needs a nerf tbh it's supposed to be the quintessential tank damage item.


This is the kind of info that MUCH more of the playerbase needs to hear lol.

There are lots of people complaining incessantly about 10.6, and it's just pure ignorance / bias from mid mains that want to one-combo everyone on the field. Community perception is one of the things the devs use in balance decisions (and rightly so), but that does mean that when the community are stupid we get stupid changes 😅

We've had so long getting constant stat bloat for damage 'and' tank items (just look at things like Prophetic before the patch, the stats were insane) that people are used to being spoiled. Now items across the board are at a much healthier overall level and people get mad about it because they forget what balance actually feels like.


Titans should unleash every time 5 full minutes has passed with 0 structure damage.


Personally I love this meta. I'd say it's good for balance cause every god feels viable imo. Kuzen finally being good also makes me tingly.


Now that I think about it, erosion is an actual good counter item to pridwen and a god like ravens who’s showing up to be a strong pick in solo lane right now


Man he should be a dev, he understands the game more than the current team. Good vid


Dude this patch is amazing. Aside from the awful matchmaking. I truly feel like the game is balanced for once. Tanks are actually tanks, adc's can still melt someone if they build right. Mages can blow up squishies with ease, warriors can finally be annoying, and junglers get to gank with efficiency.


I still feel like the xp gain is a bit inconsistent. I’ve been playing mid and winning early game. I’ll clear wave faster, take camps faster, and get more kills but they’re still ahead somehow. Idk it’s been a few weeks and I just hopped back in

Also I’m a solo main but have been playing other roles because I’m a bit burnt out


I don't know if the dirty bubble is a thing again but from the couple casual games i've done he bo tank with only charon and starter for power items is really strong


The only thing I really hate about this meta is Ravana. Absolutely aids to play against. Other than that I don’t mind it


I disagree... tanks and guardians should NEVER be Top Damage AND Top Mitigations. One or the other depending on build? Sure. Both? NEVER.


In my experience (low gold/silver but I mainly play casuals) games are longer and the Titans are overall insignificant. hunters feel good but all other classes feel terrible in my experience. Titans are a good addition but if you survive the titan push it is going to go 40+ minutes every game.


This is the most fun I've had playing the game for a while, I'm enjoying 2 or 3 different modes, 3 different roles in conquest, so I can't complain
