Learn English with Music Videos and Songs | Ten Tips | With Subtitles

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Music and song can be a great way to learn and practice your English. When you find a good song and use it to practice your English, the lyrics are a great way to expand your vocabulary, and to begin to use new words and phrases in everyday English conversations.
In this English lesson I'll give you ten tips that you can use to help you use English songs to improve your vocabulary and make you start to think in English.
⌛ Remember: Always watch the video three times. Twice today with English subtitles on, and once tomorrow with the English subtitles off. This will reinforce the English you have learned!
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Hi Bob the Canadian here. Music can be a great way to learn English and to practice English. In this video I’ll give you my ten tips for using music to help you learn English.
Hi, welcome to this video, if this is your first time here don’t forget to click the red subscribe button below and at some point during the video give me a thumbs up if this video is helping you learn English.
Well in this video we’re going to talk about music videos and how you can use them to help improve your English. I’m gonna give you ten tips, ten things that I learned about using music to learn a language while I was learning to speak French. But they’ll all work for you as you learn English. So let’s take a look at them.
Number one. Pick a song that you really like.
It doesn’t have to be a song where you know all the words. It should be a song that speaks to you, that means something to you, a song maybe that has a catchy beat. Because remember repetition is the key to language learning. So pick a song that you’re going to be able to listen to over and over and over again. Pick something that you like.
Number two. You should pick a song that tells a story.
If you pick a song that tells a story, it will help you learn things that you’ll be able to use in everyday English conversations. If you pick a song that tells a story it will help you learn new vocabulary and it will be easier to remember because you’ll be able to connect the new words, the new vocabulary, to the story. And if you pick a song that tells a story, it will simply be easier to remember because you’ll be learning new words in context. You’ll be learning new words as part of the story. So number two, pick a song that tells a story.
Number three. Print out the lyrics, that’s the words to the song, on paper.
I know it’s easier to just read them on your computer, but you should print out the words of the song on paper so that you can attack the vocabulary. Underline all of the words that you don’t know, circle all of the words that you don’t know, or highlight all of the words that you don’t know.
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CC0 License ✓ Free for personal and commercial use ✓ No attribution required
In this English lesson I'll give you ten tips that you can use to help you use English songs to improve your vocabulary and make you start to think in English.
⌛ Remember: Always watch the video three times. Twice today with English subtitles on, and once tomorrow with the English subtitles off. This will reinforce the English you have learned!
✅ Support Me and Get These Members Only Perks:
Becoming a member at every level has these benefits and perks:
1) For 10 minutes or more during each live stream you will be able to participate in the "Members Only" chat.
2) A cool crown beside your name during live streams and when making comments on videos.
3) Your name in green during live stream lesson chat.
4) You will have access to a members only video each Wednesday called, "Wednesdays with Bob". These are behind the scenes bonus videos with full English transcripts for your listening practice.
5) A full transcript for every Tuesday video.
6) Access to a slower version of every Tuesday video with high quality audio and large easy-to-read English subtitles.
7) At least one worksheet for each Tuesday video to fill out while listening. (Great for Teachers!)
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✅Some Books I Recommend:
(These are Amazon affiliates. Purchasing these books helps support my channel).
Hi Bob the Canadian here. Music can be a great way to learn English and to practice English. In this video I’ll give you my ten tips for using music to help you learn English.
Hi, welcome to this video, if this is your first time here don’t forget to click the red subscribe button below and at some point during the video give me a thumbs up if this video is helping you learn English.
Well in this video we’re going to talk about music videos and how you can use them to help improve your English. I’m gonna give you ten tips, ten things that I learned about using music to learn a language while I was learning to speak French. But they’ll all work for you as you learn English. So let’s take a look at them.
Number one. Pick a song that you really like.
It doesn’t have to be a song where you know all the words. It should be a song that speaks to you, that means something to you, a song maybe that has a catchy beat. Because remember repetition is the key to language learning. So pick a song that you’re going to be able to listen to over and over and over again. Pick something that you like.
Number two. You should pick a song that tells a story.
If you pick a song that tells a story, it will help you learn things that you’ll be able to use in everyday English conversations. If you pick a song that tells a story it will help you learn new vocabulary and it will be easier to remember because you’ll be able to connect the new words, the new vocabulary, to the story. And if you pick a song that tells a story, it will simply be easier to remember because you’ll be learning new words in context. You’ll be learning new words as part of the story. So number two, pick a song that tells a story.
Number three. Print out the lyrics, that’s the words to the song, on paper.
I know it’s easier to just read them on your computer, but you should print out the words of the song on paper so that you can attack the vocabulary. Underline all of the words that you don’t know, circle all of the words that you don’t know, or highlight all of the words that you don’t know.
**Note: All images used under:
CC0 License ✓ Free for personal and commercial use ✓ No attribution required