IWK Mental Health and Addictions program
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A video aimed at opening doors to mental health treatment for children and youth in Nova Scotia, and beyond.
Dr. Ruth Carter, Director of Mental Health and Addictions and Dr. Kathi Pajer, Chief of Psychiatry and Senior Physician, Mental Health and Addictions program, discuss the services offered at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Dr. Ruth Carter, Director of Mental Health and Addictions and Dr. Kathi Pajer, Chief of Psychiatry and Senior Physician, Mental Health and Addictions program, discuss the services offered at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
IWK Mental Health and Addictions program
Making the Switch: Transitioning to adult mental health and addictions services (for families)
Making the Switch: Transitioning to adult mental health and addictions services (for teens)
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Anxiety Disorders - Mother Mental Health Toolkit
Getting Back to Living Life: Jacob's Story
Reaching Out
Introduction - Mother Mental Health Toolkit
IWK Awards 2020 - Awards & Recognition Ceremony, Part 1
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Gavin & Nate
Jasmine's Story - Anxiety
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Opening Doors: End Family Violence (Digby) Key Note Speaker
Mental Health and Addictions
The John Lindsay Sr. IWK Humanitarian Award 2016 - Darlene Chapman
IWK Board Award of Leadership 2016 – SeaStar Child and Youth Advocacy Centre
The IWK Cup 2010 HD
2 – 5 Trauma-Informed Care in the Maritimes
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