How to build a cartridge for the Colecovision or Coleco Adam

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The 74LS21 and 27C256 chips are both cheap and readily available on eBay and Aliexpress.
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Quite a number of years ago I designed a breadboarded circuit that allowed me to read in a Coleco Vision cartridge to my S-100 system then save it to disk. At that point I could run a disassembled on it to find the code for a number of game. Some cartridges never gave me stable values but I did manage to read and save most of them. The S-100 system had a Z-80 CPU and graphics card that utilized the same graphics chip (TI 9918A?) as the ColecoVision. Unfortunately it took me the better part of a year to make my own game and the market had tanked by then.


That's pretty cool. Clearly the answer to what to do is home brew. Clearly the supervisor didn't approve of the rusty husk, but what about after you cleaned it up. Should've had a sniff test by the supervisor. :P


Great video, definitely need to invest in an EPROM burner and I see you have a usb hdmi capture device. My gopro has a hdmi output so that would also be a nice add on. Nice man!!


Hello my friend, great video! I recently ordered from pcbway sega genesis and MSX cartridges too and I starting doing my own repros. Didnt you need to swap the ROM file like you need to do it with the MSX cartridges?? I see you made it work on the first attempt, nice!
