Bank of punjab Bonus Munafa Term Deposit | Best Term Deposit Account in Pakistan

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BOP Bonus Munafa Term Deposit (BMTD) a term deposit available for general public i.e. anyone who is eligible to open bank account and invest as per bank’s criteria. The term deposit can be booked singly or jointly.
Salient Features
BOP Bonus Munafa Term Deposit offers monthly profits on your savings
Earn a minimum profit rate of 6.10% p.a to 7.25% p.a. depending on the tenor chosen.
Earn additional 0.5% p.a to 3% p.a. bonus profit by maintaining only 25% of total BMTD amount as monthly average balance in the linked Current Account
Minimum amount of investment is Rs.50,000/- and no maximum limit
Available in flexible placement periods of 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years, 4 Years & 5 Years
Customer can open linked current account of any type (current account, BOP Tijarat Account, BOP Life Current Account, BOP Salary Plus Account, BOP Youth Education Account, BOP Current Direct Pension Credit Account, BOP Basic Banking Account, BOP Kissan Dost Current Account, BOP Asaan Current Account, BOP Yes Business Account)
If the requirement of 25% monthly average deposit in the linked current account is not met in any month, customer will not qualify for bonus profit
Incase of pre-mature encashment, rate corresponding to the highest completed tenure, as available at the time of TD booking for respective Term Deposit Product, shall be applied for the entire outstanding period of TD. However, in case of term deposit of one month, the prevailing normal savings rate shall be applied. The differential of profit already paid will be deducted out of accrued profit payable &/or customer's account
Upto 90% Financing Facility available as per bank’s policy in vogue.
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Salient Features
BOP Bonus Munafa Term Deposit offers monthly profits on your savings
Earn a minimum profit rate of 6.10% p.a to 7.25% p.a. depending on the tenor chosen.
Earn additional 0.5% p.a to 3% p.a. bonus profit by maintaining only 25% of total BMTD amount as monthly average balance in the linked Current Account
Minimum amount of investment is Rs.50,000/- and no maximum limit
Available in flexible placement periods of 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years, 4 Years & 5 Years
Customer can open linked current account of any type (current account, BOP Tijarat Account, BOP Life Current Account, BOP Salary Plus Account, BOP Youth Education Account, BOP Current Direct Pension Credit Account, BOP Basic Banking Account, BOP Kissan Dost Current Account, BOP Asaan Current Account, BOP Yes Business Account)
If the requirement of 25% monthly average deposit in the linked current account is not met in any month, customer will not qualify for bonus profit
Incase of pre-mature encashment, rate corresponding to the highest completed tenure, as available at the time of TD booking for respective Term Deposit Product, shall be applied for the entire outstanding period of TD. However, in case of term deposit of one month, the prevailing normal savings rate shall be applied. The differential of profit already paid will be deducted out of accrued profit payable &/or customer's account
Upto 90% Financing Facility available as per bank’s policy in vogue.
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