Data modeling workshop: How to design a lasting business blueprint w/ Ergest Xheblati

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Ergest Xheblati is the author of Minimum Viable SQL Patterns, and he's spent the last 15+ years mastering data modeling.

This workshop is hosted by The Operational Analytics Club & Census,
you'll learn:

🎯 Why you should approach data modeling like a blueprint to your business
🎯 Top down vs bottom up data modeling
🎯 Modeling types: conceptual models, logical models, physical models
🎯 Pros/Cons and demonstrations of some of the most common physical data model types (One Big Table, Kimball Dimensional Modeling (Star Schema), Relational Modeling, Activity Stream).

During the last 35 minutes, Ergest answer 20+ audience questions, including:

🤔 Which book do you recommend to deepen data modeling knowledge?
🤔 How did data modeling practice change with cloud data warehouses?
🤔 What is the query syntax for splitting an OBT into dimension tables?
🤔Can you expand on managing uuids for better performance? E.g. if the current data is modeled using uuids for the PKs & FKs, what is your rec?
🤔 Could you describe a practical pattern (simple steps to follow) on actually loading a star schema (fact and dimensions)?
🤔 Does making an OBT a view improve performance compared to a table?
do you suggest using natural keys or surrogate keys to join tables?
🤔 Does data ingestion strategy changes depending on the type of modeling?

.... And many more Q&As!

Resources mentioned in workshop:

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