Writing Your Own CLI Tools with Powershell by Mark Wilkinson

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Creating tools is a great way to gain a deep understanding of a problem

you are trying to solve. Like any development endeavor though, it comes
with its own new set of problems. In this talk we'll walk through the
my experience developing the SQLTop tool in PowerShell. Along with some
demos on using the tool, I'll discuss my motivations when creating it
and some of the development challenges I faced along with their

Mark Wilkinson - BIO
I am a father of 4 living in Garner NC with my family, one dog, two
rabbits, and thirteen chickens. I am a DBA by trade, and a developer at
heart, and lead fantastic team of DBAs at ChannelAdvisor in Morrisville
NC. When I'm not working I enjoy blogging (or at least tweaking my
home-grown blogging platform), reading, horseback riding, and fiddling
with side projects. I am also a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, co-host of
the Mixed Extents podcast, and co-organizer of the EightKB SQL Server
Internals conference.
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