'A glass of water' An inspirational story

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"A glass of water" Is a must watch inspirational story which will change your perspective of life. When you have stress and worries, you should let it go as soon as possible.

The longer you hold on to your stresses and worries, the heavier your heart gets. Soon, you will be paralyzed by your anxieties and worries.

Let your worries flow away, the sooner you let go, the faster you'll recover from the stress. Share this video to whoever you think is in a state of stress and worries.

Please watch: "Why sum of 1,2,3,4.... to infinity is -0.8333... in 3 minutes"
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Heard a similar analogy also with a glass of water:

Every time a child is born, it starts with a glass of clean water. As life/bad experiences happen, dirt is put into the Glas, the water becomes heavy and polluted. You can stick to your sorrow or accept new life/memories to happen to you, then clean water is added. The more you move away from your memories/thoughts, the more clean water is added and the water in your glass will become less and less polluted. It will never be as clean as in the start, because these bad memories/thoughts will always be a part of you to some degree - but you'll be more happy, open-minded and can live your life without dragging yourself down.


Life without problems is like a rainbow without colours . Problems are the beauty of our life. When the seven colours are separated from each other will the rainbow be as beautiful as we see . No it won't. That's what our life is too. The colours of life is like the problem we face. So when we handle problem together without stress it tends be colourful and more beautiful. Make your life bold and beautiful by dealing the life wisely .


Amazing how that one little thought, helped me to understand the concept of how stress and trauma can weigh me down. I am thankful that you folks are willing to help me out of this prolonged pain.


me.... I ll definitely try to put down glass from today itself


My eyes are still watering now . Thanks for sharing . Awesome 😢😢😢😢🙂🙂


This is amazing so far - haven’t finished watching


Beautiful thought I would practice now consciously to put the glass down n feel free as I deserve happiness. Thank u


There's a better way. "Cast all your cares on the LORD God for He cares for you." - I Peter 5:7


That’s so beautiful! And true! Thanks for inspiring me today! 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️


so true with burdens. Put all your burdens in God's hands. if we think about it again we took it back. ask the Holy Spirit to change your heart.


Brilliant story. ❤. Makes so much sense. ❤.


Worrying too much is not a good thing...sometimes we need to just lay out worries down.


I just saw one similar to this on facebook. I lived like this for years and was into a deep depression. I came out of it but still have to remind myself sometimes to "put the glass down". I've found one of the best ways for me to let it go is to talk to a trusted friend and just having someone who will listen really helps lift the weight of it and I feel better.


As soon as it said it depends how long I hold it, I started crying


I never thought this way.. Thanks for sharing.


Watched this in my school assembly today XD the teacher doing the assembly made another teacher hold a cup of water throughout the entire assembly without explaining anything until at the end when he showed us this video


it's very inspirational story ... awesome .... I'll try to put the glass down from now ... today itself ...


1. The glass of water feels heavier *only if you hold it idly* for a long time and may induce you to put it down - which is a way of running away from the problem. Which is what lots of students - and even professionals (may be tempted to) do.

2. Winners convert this apparently heavy weight into an advantage by *exercising with it till it feels lighter and lighter*, empowering them to be able to hold even heavier weights.

3. The secret lies in *not focusing idly* on a problem till you feel it weighing down on you but working on it mindfully and actively to counter or eliminate its root cause.


I have a head injury, and I am often asked what it's like. I tell them usually that it's a lot like being drunk all of the time, but sometimes they like to have their laughs and ask "What's wrong with that?" I reply: Ask a glass of water. Imagine standing with that glass of water held, all you hope and love and care about in your hand. Drunk, remember that you are drunk, trying to keep everything in your hand there that you care about safe, even just safe enough to place on the counter and step away.... remember you are drunk... no balance... But we're not drunk. We were hit in the head. We don't want to hold that glass and you yell at us when we fall.... Damn you all.


Evaporation aside as scientific and psychoanalytic factors for water and certain types of stress, nevertheless this message has valuable resonance. The video's black-and-white graphics prompted at least one other analogous video I saw on Facebook, shown in full color, to remind our brains that there are no black-and-white answers; same dramatic music, full color spectrum. Students of all ages need to be invited to think deeper about navigating (not managing) stress, and this video starts the conversation. Keep it going.
