When Reality’s Weirder Than Fiction….

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"The only difference between Fiction and Real-Life is that Fiction has to try and make sense"


Fun fact about “ballooning” it’s actually based on electromagnetic levitation, in some species at least, as they were observed gaining altitude and taking off in windless environments during experimentation, it was later found the strands were negatively charged (I think)


Seals can sound so human it's actually scary like one of my cousins ran to the beach because he thought he heard a baby drowning only to find out that it was an upset baby seal.

There's been many times in the night when I've been fishing that I thought I heard a woman screaming but it's just seals.


Suddenly Kowalski wanting to smash a dolphin makes a lot of sense. And he’s the smart one, I don’t want to imagine the sins Rico has committed.


As someone who LOVED Charlotte's Web as a kid, I absolutely knew about ballooning. What's super interesting to me is that vocal plasticity is apparently not a common trait among animals!


I love this guy. He the reason I can scare my friends with facts.


“What this moth is doing is actually perfectly harmless”

*physically sure but what about psychologically*


I knew spiders could "fly" due to the original Charlotte's Webb movie (the one from like, the 70's). In the movie, after Wilbur is heartbroken over Charlotte's death, she had tasked him with caring for her egg pouch. He does, but then to his horror, the spiders he had hoped would become his friends spit their silk and are carried off by the breeze once they hatch. Fearing he's again about to be alone, he nearly falls into depression again but three of Charlotte's daughters decide the barn where Wilbur lives is quite nice and stay there instead, becoming his friend, and he regales them with tales about their mother.

Goddamnit, why am I tearing up? 😂


I have a great respect for the fact that you correct (with text) any mistakes that may come up. Thank you for helping me learn more about nature in such an irreverent, humoristic manner. I've learned more here than from high school/college biology, and countless hours of nature video viewing.


I'm an ecologist so I already know a fair bit about these creatures but I love watching these videos because your turn of phrase is hilarious and it's great seeing someone portray the funny and weird side of nature so well. Keep up the great work mate!


His wordplay is so immaculate it's scary.


"So, if you want a screaming, biting, peeing loudspeaker in a baby-faced package yeah they're the pet for you. Or you know, you could just have kids."

This man gets it.


Was talking with my parents about the phantom jellyfish and we got on the topic of octopus- turns out we know the woman in the photo holding the blue-ring octopus. My dad was her youth pastor back when she was a teen. Now she’s all grown- and believe me- we’re all just as confused as the rest of the world on how she lived to tell the tale.

Edit: people for the love of god leave her alone now- I didn’t wanna start a whole argument in the comments about how stupid she is. She didn’t know because she’d never been to that part of the world before- either be nice or just don’t comment at all maybe?



The "spiderweb snowdrifts" tend to happen relatively rarely, either in cases of floods/heavy rains or in the extremely unlucky event (for the spiders as well as us) that a clutch of ballooning baby spiders end up caught in a freak windstorm and all land in the same place. In any event, competition for food will cause them to gradually disperse on their own. Usually.

Like I said, spider snowdrifts like you see in Australia are the results of accidents or emergencies, but biologists have recently discovered colonies of SOCIAL SPIDERS. Not quite eusocial- yet- as there is no established hierarchy, but some spiders will share web networks and/or nests, and help each other care for their young and/or hunt for food. By working together, they increase reproductive success as well as biomass of potential prey; as in, spiders that normally only catch *insects* working alone can capture *birds and bats* with help. This mostly occurs in the tropics but can also be observed in the Eastern United States.

But don't worry, Western United States, you get your own nightmares. Spiders there are not social, but during mating season, tarantulas can form swarms comprised of *hundreds* of individuals. Some areas even call it the "annual tarantula march".

Worst. Rave. Ever.


It's like the author that when asked by the interviewer why he refused to write fiction, he answered, "Why when truth is often stranger?"
As to porcupines, they explains why I've never seen people or pets get infections from the puntures unless they did something stupid.


5:32 i remember in primary school(im in aus btw) the spiders would balloon themselves and then come down on the screaming students and we would all be screaming "ITS THE APOCALYPSE" one point the Princible had to call the kids inside until he found out they werent venemous those where the good days


"But it's also known as the hen-TENTACLE MOTH. Tentacle moth."



Does anyone else just re-watch his old videos until a new one drops? It can't only be me lol

He's just so good!


Even if it's just an April Fools thing, I'd love to see this dude spend ten minutes talking about Pokemon the way he does animals.


I would once again like to thank you for the spider warnings. As someone who wants to learn more about them but is also incredibly arachnophobic, I greatly appreciate that I can simply close my eyes and listen to the facts about them without being traumatised by the actual clips or images of them.
