Shaykh casually DEBUNKS denier of Quran Preservation 🙄

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Shaykh Abdul Karim casually responds to a very weak claim that the Quran was not preserved because of a circulated report regarding Ibn Mas'ood objecting to the Mushaf of Uthman Ibn Affan.

This is despite Abdullah Ibn Masood being mentioned in all the chains of transmission of the Quran we have today.

Full episode on the preservation of the Quran releasing this week.

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Proving The Quran Was Preserved - A Response To Christian Apologist:


A Christian would be the last person I would hear anything on *scriptures preservation*


Ibn Mas'ud learned his recitation directly from the Prophet (peace be upon him) so it is natural for him to not want to take from an intermediary.


Falsehood cannot approach it from before it or from behind it; [it is] a revelation from a [Lord who is] Wise and Praiseworthy. Quran (41:42)


I just can't imagine
The dude who allegedly said that Quran is not preserved is a Christian


And this is why you ask a scholar about islam they will give you the correct and authentic context


The book “a history of Quranic text” by shaykh Al-Azami is a great resource on how the Quran was preserved. It debunks a lot of the orientalists absurd claims.


growing up, I used to have a lot of fun trying to challenge my grandfather who memorized the quran when he was a young boy. He was 70+ at a time and I would randomly pick a verse from the quran, start reading it and he had to continue. I would say 2 or 3 words and he would continue reciting the exact verse. It was astonishing to me as he literally never failed. I also remember him reciting a sura every evening on his own similar to singing a song that you love every now and then😊 He is still alive and I am looking forward to challenging him again at his nineties. I think most people do not realize that when we say people memorize the quran we really mean it is physically stored in their brain. I also think that if one is pious, chances are the person would never forget it. This memorization is done at a very large scale and I genuinely believe that is how quran got preserved .


Due to the many severe warnings from the Prophet, pbuh, Muslims have always been deathly afraid of bi'dah, or innovation. The existence of this fear, which best describes Ibn Masoud's reaction, actually serves to buttress the claim that the Quran was preserved, not the contrary. Whenever you see even a simple suspicion of an innovation in religious matters, you will find Muslims whose initial reaction is to oppose it. Although the Quran references itself as a book, or kitab, the idea of actually compiling it into a book was initially opposed by many companions who only saw the Qur'an preserved in two ways while the Prophet was alive: by memory and by writing it down on animal skins, stones etc. - in other words loose, non binded items resembling nothing close to a book. From then until now, you will find many examples of knowledgeable people resisting anything for fear of bid'ah, including translating Qur'an in other languages, using the printing press to print Quranic manuscripts, sending copies of Qur'an to non-Muslim lands, digitizing the Qur'an etc. In every instance, the intention was always to avoid bid'ah and by extension preserve the Qur'an in the purest sense possible. No other written text in human history inspires such care, reverence and commitment. If the Bible had been preserved in a similar sense, there would not have been a need for the Qur'an. Allah knows best. He teaches us the way He deems fit.


I find the INCREASING number of attacks on our faith DISTURBING. I FEAR for the ones that lack the awareness of the BLATANT attempts to discredit the foundations of our beliefs.

That said, I'm thankful to Allah that He made sure that I can IMMEDIATELY sense MALICE in the words of these types of people...


Not gonna lie, Christians should never talk about "book perservation" they literally have like 67 versions of the bible.


Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian. Surah Al-Hijr Verse 9


Quran very clearly says that the people of the Book will not rest content unless they have you adopt their ways.This warning holds true in contemporary times and will hold true in future.Lets be wary of the mischief of these people.This faith will remain as it was ordained to prevail over its detractors.


Amazing production MashaAllah and great content. Only query I have is, why is there piano music in the background?


At the entrance of Harvard university faculty of law has quoted a verse from the Qur'an and has described it as one of the greatest expressions of justice in history


All these Islamophobes bank on people's ignorance to deceive. That's why knowledge of the Deen is so important to aware of the traps of these Shayateen.


When desperate people cannot find mistake/ contradiction in Quran, they start lying.


Mashallah. Great explanation. I learned again. Im so ready for these islamophobes.


Make More refutational videos please. Jazakallah khair


Jazak’Allahukhairun for uploading these. So many people watch these videos and get confused and having a dedicated series that solves these issues.
