Ndinobuda Pakaoma (Live) - Minister Michael Mahendere | The SPOW

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#tooBlessedtobeStressed #NdinobudaPakaoma #Sebukira #gwaragwara #gwaragwaraforJesus #theSPOW

Ndinobuda Pakaoma, taken from the SPOW (Secret Place of Worship) Live Recording.

Turn on Subtitles whilst watching for English translation!

Music Produced by Nigel Nyangombe
Songs Arrangement by Nigel Nyangombe and Minister Michael Mahendere

Mixed & Mastered by COG Beatz (Courage Manyumwa)

Video Produced by Qaya Rootz Pictures Africa
Lighting by Epic Sets
Sound edited by COG Beatz
Sound captured by Andrew Events Evolution
Graphic Design by Denzel Nyangombe
Executive Producers: Michael & Vimbai Mahendere

Choreographer and Director: Nyasha Mwandie

Bass guitar: Carven Gumbanjera
Drums: Malvin Cheremari, Ngoni Chikuse, Jack Chimanga
Piano & Keyboards: Nigel Nyangombe
Synth and Auxiliaries: COG Beatz
Strings and additional: Anyway Silas
Lead guitar: Tari G Fingers
Saxophone: Joseph Chinouriri
Brass section: Roland Mtombeni, Cornelius Sitole & Percy Stambo

Follow Minister Michael Mahendere:

©℗ 2020 Michael Mahendere
Рекомендации по теме

I am believing God kubuda pakaoma. Ill come back to testify. Someone please like my comment so that I'll remember to testify here of the goodness of God. 24. 01. 24

May God forgive me for delaying to come with my testimony. So when i first wrote above, I didn't know things were gonna get worse 😭, but alas, the devil had blinded and lied to me about a problem that was non existent. I wish i could lay it all out here, but what i can say is, God is good, He delivered me out of the trap of the enemy. Mwari vakandibuditsa pakaoma, God restored what I thought i had lost. Thanks to everyone who helped me believe.


A kenyan listening from Qatar.... Please give me like.... Thank you


If you're playing this song in 2024, press the like button.


Im blessed, too blessed to stressed singing in 2024


2024 is my year. NaMwari Ndinobuda pakaoma, there is lifting up when men cast you down. 🙏


Still here 13 April 2024 ndakabuda pakaoma am blessed


Who ever has unexplainable happiness hit the like button uchibuda pakaoma


I was kidnapped and abducted from my house by 4 men, beaten and assaulted and sustained head injuries and still recovering from the trauma. God spared my life, I was not raped I was not killed and I am forever grateful that though I walked through the valley of the shadow of death favor was my portion. For 6hrs 4 men had my life in their hands and God decided that he was not done with me and saved me from the Jaws of death. Ndakabuda pakawoma asi hakusi kugona kwangu asi nyasha nerudo rwaMwari.


This song came out the right time when my husband was bedridden, doctors declared my husband dead, they couldn’t find the sickness, they ran all test but no help. My husband was playing this song every day and night. He was delivered through praising with this song. Thank you Ministr, you ministered to my husband for real. Today my husband is healed. Thank you Lord. 🙏🏽


Yes ndinobuda pakoama .Iam struggling financially and as lam listening to this song lam believing God for a testimony testimony. Definitely l will come out victoriously


I struggled for attachment from November ndichifamba kwese kwese ndichisiya maCV.Vamwe vaitoseka kuti ndiani anotora mastudents nenguva yakaoma kudai.I cried for weeks its been 6 months ndakangogara pamba .Today i woke up and prayed ndangoti Mwari Ndibudiseiwo pakaoma apa ndizoitawo testimony.Around 9a.m i got a call from a big company in Harare, they told me to start work tommorrow.Ndabuda Pakaoma naJesu! This is to everyone who has lost hope in something and has probably stopped praying about it, but unobuda iwe!


Let me tell you, the reason you are going through so much right now is because you are a threat to the enemy. The enemy doesn’t want you to know your potential, that you have already conquered through Jesus Christ. I came to Europe about 4 years ago and from the moment I stepped out of the plane it was hardship after hardship but when I tell you that God never ever left my side . My life on it’s on is a miracle because the devil tried everything to pull me down asi Ndinobuda, ndakabuda, ndichabuda. I love God so much . If you are reading this and you are about to give up just know that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. God loves you ❤. You may change but God will remain the same.


If you're still listening to this song in 2024....
Press the like button


I'm blessed...got hit by a car yesterday and here i am singing 'ndinobuda pakaoma ....namwari ndinobuda pakaoma '. I'm blessed


My mother is suffering from athritis... she is ever in pain... as a child it hurts me so much, but mama naJesu munobuda pakaoma! Amen.
very blessed editing this comment 5 months after posting the original.My mother who was ill has been healed and is now doing her chores just like the old days.Thank you God takabuda pakaoma.👏👏👏


Stress was about to kill me 😭 my dad passed away last year but one on the 16 th of October as I was writing my final exams of A level .. today I'm singing ' ndinobuda pakaoma ...I managed to produce 13 ponts


I had a hectic week, my maid quit from nowhere because someone had told her lies about me twisting the truth and exaggerating, she was so good and I loved her, I came back home from where I was to find my market gardening project down the drain everything I had spent money on dry.. the next thing my children's school was threatening to take my children out of school because of late fees payments, the next thing my husband loses almost $50000 USD of someone's money and we have no way of paying it back. This person was the one sustaining our family financially by giving him jobs and stuff. I am praising God. I refuse to let Satan bully me with circumstances and situations in my life. I will not be bullied by Satan. I am so happy because I have chosen that my happiness will not depend on my circumstances


I'm in the US and I'm listening in 2024. I just found your songs, listened to Makanaka Jesu and now this one. Amazing songs, beautiful music praising our Lord Jesus. Please add the words. This one is in English, but I don't understand all the words.


Listening to this on the 18th of march 2024 coz I’m so down I can’t even fake a smile.God heal me please😢


Just got a place to study for my masters. Have no idea were l will get the fees from. Asi ndinobuda pakaoma. God who gave me a place will secure my fees in Jesus name.
