ZERO: A Step Into The Future...

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Editor: Allen Wong
Edited on: Filmora X
Animator: Jou Vou
Animated on: Krita
Voiced Actor: Joseph Jeon

Inspired by: Sword Art Online. 2012. Imdb. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

Virtual reality has the potential to go very far with the combination of futuristic technology and the mind itself. In the modern day, the military has used it to man guns without having to put soldiers in the way of harm, but imagine one day where VR goes as far as putting the human into 4D or even 5D. This means there will be full immersion without having to move at all, but the mind is active. A pandemic like the current one could be avoided by living through virtual reality. For example attending classes through VR, traveling the world, or meeting up with friends. As time goes on though, when does it become a threat. People's lives are swallowed up by virtual reality. Some people may give up on it, but there are some who will go beyond, to make it interesting for themselves. What once seemed like a safe environment that kept one from harm, now proceeded to transfer the harm to real life. Damage once avoided in VR, now transferred to real life.
This video portrays a near future where Virtual Reality enters this next stage of full immersion. Now, what’s this term, “full immersion?” Full immersion is the “full” entrance of oneself into virtual reality, where all senses are present (touch, feel, taste, sight, and hearing). Believe it or not, this concept of full immersion into a virtual reality is not as far away as some may think. With today’s knowledge of how the brain works, Forbes dives into Elon Musk’s recent activities with Neuralink and how it could lead to streaming “music directly into their head.” This idea of streaming music into one’s head is quite interesting, however, what if instead of just streaming music into the head, one is able to stream a whole virtual world inside one’s head (almost like when someone is in a dream). Musk’s recent reveal of Neurallink’s brain device as described by Gus Alexiou (a Forbes author) is “Comprised of super-thin threads that carry electrodes… intended to facilitate high throughput communication to external computers and, potentially, secondary ‘links’.” With this idea in mind, the development of “ZERO” was brought to life in this animated film as a headgear designed to help its users reach full immersion in the virtual world. With the concept of transferring data from an external source (computers and secondary “links”) into the mind, full immersion may not seem too impossible.
Everyone’s probably heard of this other idea of how the brain is a computer or vice versa. With this idea in mind, the animation brings to life the concatenation of how a computer crashes due to overload and how a human brain may do the same if too much data is uploaded to it. While these technological advances seem to lead society into the direction of progression and development, an overarching question remains: “How safe is it?” Like the present world, everything seems safe in the world of Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Youtube until… an external source is involved (i.e. hackers).

Storyboard (quick summary to clear up confusion)
It is around the year 2030 when ZERO comes out with new headgear technology to help people dive into the realm of virtual reality. The film starts off with Aidan watching an ad that ZERO produced to advertise their product. Some time has passed and some schools converted to learning on Virtual Reality and all and all, ZERO seems to have taken the world by a storm. Many have become addicted to this virtual world (similar to how many have become addicted to gaming in the present world). Rather than experiencing things in the real world, people would rather do them in V.R. Aidan is one of many who have taken this path. Instead of practicing dance in real life, he chooses to dance in V.R. Instead of schooling in real life, he chooses to go to class in V.R. His addiction to V.R. peaked when he is confronted by his brother, who after some talking convinced him to go out for a jog the next morning. While on his jog, Aidan is mentally affected by being in V.R. so much that he still had the V.R. mindset, even though he is in the real world. After his jog, he goes back onto V.R. and is greeted with a mail from the ZERO team. The situation is explained in the mail, but Aidan and many others didn’t make much of it. No one expected to still be inside of the virtual world after expecting to be automatically logged off…


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