EGU2017: Vegetation-climate interactions across time scales (US1)
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EGU2017: Vegetation-climate interactions across time scales (US1)
EGU2017: Cities' resilience to a changing climate (PC2)
EGU GIFT2017: Climate of the Mediterranean region: recent past and future evolution
EGU2017: Great Debate on Great Extinctions (GDB5)
EGU2017: Polar regions: Arctic sea ice, Antarctic ice-shelf stability, and glacial landforms (PC4)
EGU2017: Transition to Next Generation Cities and Planet Earth future (GDB2)
EGU2017: Alfred Wegener Medal Lecture by Murugesu Sivapalan (ML2)
EGU19: Past and future tipping points and large climate transitions in Earth history (US3)
EGU2017: Geoarcheology: Finding traces of human presence in caves, soils and landscapes (PC7)
EGU2017: Union symposium: ESA / NASA (US2)
EGU2017: Water hazards: how floods and storms impact us and how we impact water resources (PC3)
EGU2017: Alexander von Humboldt Medal Lecture by Johan Bouma (ML1)
EGU 2017 Global SOA Formation
EGU2017: EGU Award Ceremony (US0)
ESS221 chapter7 Ecosystem models
How Can We Best Capture Vegetation Water Interactions in Earth System Models?
Urban Vegetation: Ecology and Management -- Peter Del Tredici
Lecture: Geoengineering the Climate
EGU journals: the global impact of a paper
10 Climate Change and Terrestrial Vegetation
Climate Change on Tectonic Timescales Lecture 01
EGU2016: Models in the Geosciences (US3)
KGML2020 Tom Beucler Presentation
LPJ-Guess model animation: grasses