How To Redirect Wordpress Homepage To Your Latest Post

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Heres's the text to copy, and paste from my video (copy without the quotation marks):
I originally posted this tutorial in reply to a student in my "How to create webtoon style webcomic website" class on skillshare, but this can also apply to anyone using wordpress who wants their homepage (or url of their choice) to display their most recent post (this tutorial is for a single recent post not the default "posts" page from wordpress).
As you guys know Wordpress customizer doesn't have the option to set your homepage as a specific post, latest post, or "custom post type" So, I'm going to show you how to set your latest post in two different ways using plugins (not any custom coding).
If you guys want to do this with custom code rather than plugins this isn't that type of video tutorial so watch the video below, and let's get started!
I originally posted this tutorial in reply to a student in my "How to create webtoon style webcomic website" class on skillshare, but this can also apply to anyone using wordpress who wants their homepage (or url of their choice) to display their most recent post (this tutorial is for a single recent post not the default "posts" page from wordpress).
As you guys know Wordpress customizer doesn't have the option to set your homepage as a specific post, latest post, or "custom post type" So, I'm going to show you how to set your latest post in two different ways using plugins (not any custom coding).
If you guys want to do this with custom code rather than plugins this isn't that type of video tutorial so watch the video below, and let's get started!
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