The best and worst ways to clean your camera's sensor

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A lot of photographers are nervous about cleaning their camera's dirty sensors, but it doesn't have to be scary! We demonstrate some proven techniques for sensor maintenance, along with some terrible, terrible methods

No functioning cameras were harmed in the making of this video.

Watch our lens cleaning episode as well!

Rental equipment provided by The Camera Store

0:00 - Intro
1:42 - Identifying dust
3:21 - Cleansing with fire
3:39 - Dust blower
5:50 - Homemade sticky wand
6:24 - Ricoh Pentax Sensor Cleaner
7:38 - Wet cleaning
8:09 - Swab and liquid cleaning
9:44 - Manual repairs
10:57 - Sending for service
11:45 - The wrap

Рекомендации по теме

You should always remove the battery before cleaning with the flame thrower.


Thank god, he didn't damage that ribbon cable, got scared there for a moment.


I tried the flame thrower method and it really got rid of all the dust. However, initially I had problems fixing my lenses on the body after the cleaning. I got really concerned!
But I just used the flame thrower again, and put a lens back on right after. You must be a bit careful because of the heat, but the lens slipped right on then. Thanks!


I am a camera and lens tech. As a professional, I can assure you the flamethrower is the best way to clean the sensor. Clients are always suprised at how well it works. For some reason though, they are occasionally angry about it...I can't seem to figure out why that is though


Will my camera’s sensor get dirty if I take dirty pictures with it?


I work in a camera store and one day a customer came in with a camera and told us it was a bit dirty and needed a clean. When we took a look inside there was ants in the evf and sensor. We told the customer we couldn’t help him. That blowtorch would have been helpful though.


I just ordered the Pentax sticky sensor cleaner from The Camera Store, it looks like a good first step solution for me. Figured I had better get on right away because who knows how many might be left in stock after this video airs. Thanks for all the tips and helpful insight with this this mysterious task.


Another great video!
When I had Nikon D80 back in the day, I hated cleaning its sensor. Whenever I tried to do this, I would just end up with more dust that was visible even at f/5.6. I blame it on the felt that covered the inside of the camera around the sensor and collected dust like crazy. Nowadays with mirrorless cameras it's a lot easier to clean the sensor, as there are cleaning systems built in. And that rocket blower really does work like magic when you need it.


true ode to Kai when he was on digitalrev! well done


I really enjoy your sense of humor - now back to the show. I wasn't aware of that Pentax tac wand .. will order one. I've only had to use the swabs a couple times - but with my move to mirrorless, I'd think frequency may increase. Great video - something every channel should have. TY


I hope DPReview is paying you guys well, you are both the entire reason I watch their videos and use their website.


I find that soaking the sensor with battery acid for a few hours works well. Remove tough dirt on sensor with steel wool first.


Still one of the best camera related videos of all time.


10:03 This is my favorite Red Green episode.


I almost spit out my coffee when he said you want to be careful about that ribbon cable.


The first time I hit the sensor cleaning mode on my a6500, I was quite surprised to find my camera doing its best impression of a DualShock controller.
Also, the Giotto's blowers are worth the extra expense, they're much higher quality than cheapo generic ones. I have a small one that hangs out in my bag, as well as a larger one that stays home. The Photographic Solutions kit is also great.
No horror stories here, thankfully. I've even cleaned the delicate pellicle mirrors in Sony's SLT cameras, no sweat.
OH! And one other thing you should get. I don't recall who makes it, but I have a goat hair brush that's designed specifically for sensor cleaning. You use a blower to both clean and build up a static charge on the bristles, then lightly drag it across the sensor. It works great for the few bits of dust that a blower can't get.


I've actually used an Arctic Butterfly sensor brush for many years and it has dealt effectively with any dust problems I've come across. I did buy a swab system at some point but I've never had to use it so it's just collecting dust in my cupboard.


So happy u washed the nikon down the toilet. I dune just the same when My new d850 came back from its 5th in-warrnty, official nikon lab repair.


Perfect, just brillant! Couldn’t have come at a better time as I was about to scan your library for exactly this topic. Spent a week at Disney and forgot to bring any cleaning stuff, got really mad at myself. Having the blower and a designated wet cleaning kit, your advice with the Pentax stick is greatly appreciated, makes all the sense in the world to me. As always, thanks so much, what you guys do is invaluable! I only wish you wouldn’t always be so dead serious, you know. A little bit of humor here or there might help.


Sometimes it’s very easy to mistake lens dust for sensor dust, especially on the back of wide angle lenses. Before you do any cleaning, it’s a good idea to switch lenses and see if you see the same dust spot.
