The Perfect Barbarian Build In Diablo 4 - Diablo 4 Best Whirlwind Barbarian Build

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Diablo 4 Best barbarian build. This Whirlwind barbarian build has incredibly high survivability and damage potential, allowing you to power through nightmare dungeons without ever having to worry.

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Here are the skills so it's easier to follow.
Lunging Strike 1
Enhance Lunging Strike 1
Combat Lunging Strike 1
Whirlwind 5
Enhance Whirlwind 1
Furious Whirlwind 1
Pressure Point 3
Imposing Presence 3
Rallying Cry 1
Enhanced Rallying Cry 1
Tactical Rallying Cry 1
Outburst 1
Tough as Nails 3
Challenging Shout 1
Enhanced Challenging Shout 1
Tactical Challenging Shout 1
War Cry 1
Enhanced War Cry 1
Power War Cry 1
Booming Voice 3
Raid Leader 3
Guttural Yell 3
Swiftness 3
Pit Fighter 3
No Mercy 3
Hamstring 1
Tempered fury 1
Invigorating Fury 3
Wrath of the Berserker 1
Prime Wrath of the Berserker 1
Supreme Wrath of the Berserker 1
Unbridled Rage 1


Here are the aspects so it's easier to follow.
Disobedience on Helm
Edgemaster’s on gloves *if not using unique
Conceited on 2 handed Bludgening
Relentless Berserk on boots
Expectant on first one handed sword
Limitless Rage on second one handed sword
Dire Whirlind on Two handed Sword
Needleflare on Amulet
Echoing Fury on Ring 2
Bold Chieftain on Ring 1


As someone who plays casually, when i look for guides, im actually looking for how the mechanics work like what does this variable or that variable do, does it sync, thought process of the theorycrafting.

Thanks for making this, its really good.


Here are the Glyph Sockets so it's easier to follow.
Glyph Socket:
Exploit on board 2
Seething on board 1
Disembowel on board 3
Wrath *Test Glyph
Imbiber *Test Glyph


And a lovely peek behind the working mechanics of this epic content creator at 6:16.


Barbarian is my main! Love her, this is so helpful!


now i don't mind playing through the video for the build, but it'd be awesome if you can post a build link for reference.


Tbh that chest piece offers much thorn damage that if you speck in a little thorns in the skill tree and hp it will put out so much more damage then the stats missing from it.


From best to perfect barbarian build. Waiting to your ultimate, godlike and game ender barbarian build next.


I’ve been trying to get Razorplate and Temerity for a while now to make this build, can’t wait to get them. Great vid! ✌️


I've only found one Razorplate and it was at level 66. I'm now at 74 and have been unlucky with unique drops. For some reason, those damn near useless weapon swapping unique boots kept dropping for me. I have 6 of them...


+ 10% core skill damage is still stronger (more DPS) than +str, +all stats. I have all 3 rolled on both of my offhand, and my mace. I am level 60 spinning for an avg of 18.5k per hit on whirlwind buffed up. I built my paragon around using a polearm and + %dmg to bleeding enemies. Lots of things prock off of slashing weapons and you get an extra 40% damage from the first paragon board alone using the right glyphs and legendary nodes for polearms.

Also, using the golden halbard transmog is just swagger


Thorns builds were so much fun in D3. I remember my Thorns Crusader was stuuuupid. I cant remember what tier I was on but watching Malthael one shot himself by touching my Crusader was hilarious. Doing high level nephilim rifts just walking through mobs that just fell over after trying to hit me was satisfaction incarnate


My biggest problem with WW was how bad it felt leveling and even until almost 70's or 80 for me. I leveled so insanely easy with Rend, but every time I tried WW I had major issues with Fury gen. It seems like so many things are mandatory for WW to feel good and not be fury starved. Do you think you could get a WW build going at 50-60 in WT3?


Great vid, grabbing the game for fathersday from my kids lol.
Just fyi at 6:15 you left in some audio redo's.
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Well, where's the build? Why isn't it in your info links?


I've just had the same idea when I got fed up with tracking auto attack from mobs. I thought if I'm always going to get hit, why not punish it. I also switch up HotA and WW alot for variety and thought Thorns would be a complimentary stat for both. Been theorycrafting my build and it's good to have a comparison. Thanks for the guide.


Thanks this saved my barb. I compensated the chest piece by putting thorns damage while berserking on my 1 handed and used the berserker key passive since fury drain sucks.


I'm a level 66 Whirlwind Barb and just got a Razorplate drop with 11, 510 thorns... With that high of a roll, should I immediately start rebuilding into thorns? I don't have Temerity pants yet.


I can’t drop razerplate 😢 I’ve gotten 10 unique chests or so and around 30 unique drops, none of them being razerplate
