Sauron Anatomy Explored - What Is True Form Of Sauron? Is Sauron Truly Immortal & More! LOTR Lore!

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Delve into the depths of Middle-earth and explore the terrifying anatomy of Sauron, the Dark Lord himself. Discover the secrets of his immense power, his ability to corrupt and dominate, and his origins as a Maia. Is Sauron truly immortal, or can he be destroyed? We'll analyze his physical form, his connection to the One Ring, and the extent of his influence over the world.

#Sauron #LordOfTheRings #MiddleEarth #Tolkien #DarkLord #Maia #Anatomy #Power #Evil #Fantasy #Literature #CharacterAnalysis #BehindTheScenes #Mythology #ringsofpower
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Your power to drone on for 23 minutes and 17 seconds only to miraculously not answer what is in the title, is truly astonishing.


Sauron's true form is that of a Maia. He's spiritual being that originally did not have a physical form, but chose to inhabit one


You talked nonstop for 23 minutes and didn't answer your question in the title


I'd suggest you review Tolkien's works again and find the basic info needed to update this video. Sauron's form at the end of the 2nd age and through the 3rd age is an over large human, hairless, 8 feet tall, charcoal black, with glowing eyes that bring fear to all that see them. His skin bur with great heat, when he wished. One hand is missing a finger. When Sauron goes out to fight Elendil and Gil-Galad he "wrestles" with them. He didn't wear armor or use other weapons other than his hands. The "Necromancer" form is likely the same as that one. Don't rely on the movies - they changed the lore too much.


It wasn't the disrespect of not acknowledging what the valar had given them that led to the fall of numenor. It was attempting to ignore the ban on men entering valinor. Sauron convinced the numenorians that the valar were keeping the key to immortality from them and they sent a fleet to valinor despite the ban. That is what led to the destruction of numenor and sauron losing his physical form for a time.


I like to picture Sauron in a tuxedo T-shirt. 'Cause it says like, I wanna be formal, but I'm here to party too


"Whenever Sauron has the Ring with him, he is unstoppable." He was defeated by Gil-Galad and Elendil while wearing the Ring.


When are we going to get a Game playing as Sauron imagine The Armies fighting you and you just bash them apart or transform in to a Werewolf and tear them to shreads damn it would be Epic.

Respect and keep up the epic work.


He also created the one ring as an insurance policy. He learned what would happen if he was defeated from Morgoth. His true form would be taken captive and taken back to be judged by Eru and the Valar. Then most likely, as happened to Morgoth, he would be bound and shoved through the doors of night. With a sizeable portion of his spirit bound to the ring they would never be able to do this to him without the ring as well. And since one of it's powers is to corrupt anyone who interacts with it into NEVER wanting to destroy it or even part with it. It would make shoving him through the doors of night even harder.


Great video! A couple of points though. Sauron didn't lose his ability to take a physical form after the Fall of Numenor, just his ability to take a "fair form". He is also not the Eye in the movies. He has a physical form during the movies, and books. You can even see it when Aragorn is talking to him through the Palantir for a brief moment,


Sauron was the mightiest Maiar of the Valar Aule, not the mightiest of all the Maiar spirits. That belongs to Eonwe, the Maiar of the Valar Manwe.


You forgot to say that when he wears the one ring, Sauron's power equals to Morgoth's strengh during his last days. Also, he has powers to control all dark creatures with his will, like he did with ongoliath, shelob's mother, Gathumag, lord of Balrogs, and many others. If only Smaug the dragon wasn't killed, Sauron would have control him too.


his depiction in shadow of mordor/war games was amazing


But Sauron did have a form in the LoTR. Sméagol saw him, was personally tortured by him when they captured him in Mordor, and mentioned that he only had 4 fingers on the hand from which The One Ring was cut off.


Morgoth had dragons bro 😂

Great vid but Sauron is a child compared to the OG villain of Tolkien's world


I can imagine when Sauron was captured by the Numenorians in his fair form some numenorians women were even probably gushing at him hahaha.


Gandalf, in his spirit form (Olorin) was terrified of Sauron. When the valar summoned a council about what to do about the unrest in middle earth..the decided to form the Istar. At first, only Saruman and Alatar volunteered to go. But the valar knew this wasn’t enough. Örome demanded Gandalf go, but Gandalf insisted he was too weak and feared Sauron. He also ordered radagast to go.


I want that fair form Mairon picture haha


It is said that Morgoth depleted his power into his creations so much and to the point, Sauron, was actually more powerful than him.
Not sure for how long but, that does explain why Margoth's creations were so Bleeping


Melkor created Discord? Now I'm not surprised that it's such a strange place where I don't go anymore.
