EVERYTHING I ATE TODAY AS A 23 YEAR OLD | Full Day of Eating to Stay Healthy and Fit

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This is what I eat in a day as a 23 year old, living alone, to stay healthy and fit.

In this video I take you through a full day in my life and show you how I balance training and eating throughout my day. I also announce my new merch which is available now!

Thank you so much for watching!

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Where in the world are you watching this?


It’s very clear what you do for a living. A lot of people who make slick comments are jealous. Keep up the good work 👍🏾


You are not unemployed, you are self-employed, which is the best form of employment! Kudos to you!


I would love a series of you working with Sophie. As a beginner runner, I relate to Sophie a lot and seeing her relationship to running compared to yours is super relatable and inspiring.


Such great support Sophie has on her running journey. She is killing it!! 🎉


I was a youth pastor for like 10 years, and the #1 thing students would always say they wanted to be was a YouTuber/Influencer of some sort. The reality is, very few have what it takes. It’s a crazy amount of work to get to a level that brings sustainable income. Good on you Nico. Love your content. Just ordered myself a shirt 🎉


Hey I’m a 17 I love sports basically any sport that has a ball but I got hurt when I was 15 and got surgery on my knee but I ended up developing a chronic nerve disease that is very painful it feels like fire on my leg called CRPS so I’m in a wheelchair but I just got out of it three weeks ago. I learned how to walk again I go two hours away to the doctor and therapy every week. It is very mentally and emotionally draining. I just wanted to reach out and say how much I loved watching your videos!! Therapy is really hard, lonely, and draining but watching your videos give me the motivation to keep going. Keep up the hard work. Hopefully I can run a marathon someday!


I would think that anyone who watches your videos regularly would understand what you do for a living
Your videos inspire people of all ages
I am a 60 year old who doesn’t want to admit my age
Today was a one hour lift followed by a 5 mile trail run
I am the survivor of two open-heart surgeries


Yay Sofie!!!! You’re a queen!!!! Awesome to see you starting to run, the beginning is truly the hardest and it takes commitment to do it everyday! Be proud beautiful! 🩷


sofie's pace is so good for a beginner runner!! my first few runs i was in the 16-18 min/mile group lol. after almost a year i'm down to around 11-12 min/miles, but it's still difficult! wishing her all the best on her running journey! it keeps getting better and better!


Bro you’re sooo blessed to be living the life you do man don’t let anyone knock your hustle you’re doing great things for the running community !!


The Subtle art of not giving a fuck has impacted my life I’m watching from Az!!! You encourage me to improve my life even more!!


You are motivating other runners and creating a positive community for runners from all different walks of life and that is beautiful


Congrats on another awesome video. Congrats to Sofie for starting a running journey of her own. Haters are just envious of your accomplishments. I applaud what you've achieved. It's not easy. The stand-out moment for me in the video was not comparing yourself to others. I started my running journey by comparing my abilities to others and used that comparison to "beat myself up". I am grateful to have "unlearned" that mentality. It has no place in my running or life. I like what you said about finding the best version of yourself.



You are easily one of the best editors I watch on YouTube so you do an amazing job at YOUR job!!! Huge support Nico!


your videos are always so cinematic and entertaining. love the energy man 👍


Books I recommend.
Very Popular
1. Atomic Habits -James Clear (what I love about this book is you’re going to see things that you already do and don’t do and make you realize it more)

2. Relentless -Tim Grover (if you’re into sports and a fan of Kobe & MJ he talks about their work ethic and the thing they were willing to do since he trained them. Very inspiring and motivating)


Hey Nico, it’s a bit weird to say this, but thank you for motivating other people round the world to run, even tho I’m not a runner. But watching your videos about running keeps on reminding me how important discipline as well as consistency is (in the gym, in my case). As you said before, you’re absolutely right because watching your videos makes me damn happy. Keep on going and love from Munich Germany 🇩🇪


Nico! Your videos are super inspiring. Before April I hadn’t run since I stopped playing soccer 6 years ago and now I’m training to run a Half marathon (Huntington Beach, CA in February). When the miles get hard the thing I always say to myself to keep going is that the half marathon is earned not given, which is what I heard you say during marathon training in a past video. Thanks for the inspo! (I’m watching from Orange County, CA)


These videos are powerful and inspiring for being a better person!! BPN athletes are 🔥
