Solving Quadratic Equation “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” Using the Square Root Property | Step-by-Step Algebra
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This video will guide you through [How to Solve Quadratic Equation “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” Using the Square Root Property].
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📖 About Math Doodle: This channel is our effort to support students, teachers, and parents by sharing our tutorial and problem-walkthrough contents that cover a wide range of algebra topics!
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🌏 Translated titles and subtitles have been added to this video:
Spanish: Resolviendo Ecuaciones Cuadráticas Usando la Propiedad de la Raíz Cuadrada “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Solución de álgebra paso a paso
French: Résolution d'une équation quadratique à l'aide de la propriété Racine carrée “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Solution d'algèbre étape par étape
German: Quadratische Gleichung mit der Quadratwurzeleigenschaft lösen “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Schritt-für-Schritt-Algebra-Lösung
Portuguese: Resolvendo equação quadrática usando a propriedade da raiz quadrada “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Solução álgebra passo a passo
Hindi: वर्गमूल गुण का उपयोग करके द्विघात समीकरण को हल करना “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | चरण-दर-चरण बीजगणित समाधान
Filipino: Paglutas ng Quadratic Equation Gamit ang Square Root Property “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Step-by-Step na Algebra Solution
Indonesian: Menyelesaikan Persamaan Kuadrat Menggunakan Sifat Akar Kuadrat “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Solusi Aljabar Langkah-demi-Langkah
Japanese: 平方根プロパティを使用して二次方程式を解く “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | ステップバイステップの代数ソリューション
Russian: Решение квадратного уравнения с использованием свойства квадратного корня “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Пошаговое решение по алгебре
Vietnamese: Giải phương trình bậc hai bằng tính chất căn bậc hai “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Giải pháp đại số từng bước
✅ More BITE-SIZE VIDEOS on “Solving Quadratic Equation Using the Square Root Property”
📖 About Math Doodle: This channel is our effort to support students, teachers, and parents by sharing our tutorial and problem-walkthrough contents that cover a wide range of algebra topics!
Hopefully, you have found the math help you were looking for! 🙏 Thank you for checking out our videos! 💯
🌏 Translated titles and subtitles have been added to this video:
Spanish: Resolviendo Ecuaciones Cuadráticas Usando la Propiedad de la Raíz Cuadrada “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Solución de álgebra paso a paso
French: Résolution d'une équation quadratique à l'aide de la propriété Racine carrée “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Solution d'algèbre étape par étape
German: Quadratische Gleichung mit der Quadratwurzeleigenschaft lösen “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Schritt-für-Schritt-Algebra-Lösung
Portuguese: Resolvendo equação quadrática usando a propriedade da raiz quadrada “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Solução álgebra passo a passo
Hindi: वर्गमूल गुण का उपयोग करके द्विघात समीकरण को हल करना “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | चरण-दर-चरण बीजगणित समाधान
Filipino: Paglutas ng Quadratic Equation Gamit ang Square Root Property “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Step-by-Step na Algebra Solution
Indonesian: Menyelesaikan Persamaan Kuadrat Menggunakan Sifat Akar Kuadrat “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Solusi Aljabar Langkah-demi-Langkah
Japanese: 平方根プロパティを使用して二次方程式を解く “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | ステップバイステップの代数ソリューション
Russian: Решение квадратного уравнения с использованием свойства квадратного корня “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Пошаговое решение по алгебре
Vietnamese: Giải phương trình bậc hai bằng tính chất căn bậc hai “𝑥^2 − 48 = 0” | Giải pháp đại số từng bước