Intro: gRPC-Web - Stanley Cheung & Wenbo Zhu, Google

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Intro: gRPC-Web - Stanley Cheung & Wenbo Zhu, Google
Connect from Browsers using gRPC-Web We are delighted to introduce gRPC-Web, a cross-browser javascript library which allows developers to write web applications that connect to gRPC servers. In this intro talk, we will briefly talk about the gRPC-Web protocol and deployment model. We will also show a quick demo on how easy it is to start writing a browser application with gRPC-Web, Protobuf and Envoy. With gRPC-Web, you get a very familiar gRPC-style API compared to other languages supported by gRPC. We will also talk about how future holds and what we have planned in the roadmap.
Intro: gRPC-Web - Stanley Cheung & Wenbo Zhu, Google
Lightning Talk: Connect from Browsers Using gRPC-Web - Stanley Cheung, Google
Is gRPC Web Native?
gRPC on HTTP/3 on QUIC on UDP
Design Choices Behind Making gRPC Available on Web Platforms - Wenbo Zhu, Google
gRPC-Web with .NET
gRPC-Web and You
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Hacking into gRPC-Web / gRPC Web
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13 Introduction to gRPC and Protocol Buffers
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