Alabama vs The World

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My new Alabama football video is up! Lmk what you think and RTR!


It's so funny that Alabama has proved so much that they are the best College football team in last decade, but still no one believes them.


They would have kicked Wisconsin's a** you kidding me


If Bama wasn't supposed to be there then why did they win it all?


LOL. Experts? Never go against BAMA and Nick Saban. Jesse Palmer needs to stay with the food network!


Love how this video exposes some ESPN analysts who think they know it all... Beautiful


2:50..."I'm not convinced...that Alabama would beat Wisconsin this past weekend"...well Slickie-boy, I'm not convinced Alabama would have gotten smoked by Iowa either. Last time I checked Alabama went to the title game last year and scored 31 pts on Clemson while Ohio State scored exactly zero points on Clemson the week before. You might want to consider that maybe the committee was afraid of taking Ohio State and having them lay another big goose egg. And of course, , the requirement for a team to win it's conference was thrown out the window for that same Ohio State team. Sounds like karma to me.


Reminds me of the 1993 Sugar Bowl (for championship of the 1992 season), when Alabama played Miami. Virtually everyone felt that 'Bama didn't have the proverbial snowball's chance against the mighty Hurricanes. 34-13 later, Alabama wore the crown. These sports only run their big mouths to hear themselves yak...


When everybody sais alabama wont even maje the playoffs then next thing you know they win the championship


You know everybody wants to play Alabama until they get beat.😀


This is an excellent vid. Am semi-awestruck just how out-of-touch the Mainsream media is in all topics, even sports.


Everybody not in the state of Alabama, fans among the heavily pro Georgia crowd, and the fans abroad didn't want bama to win it.

They hoped and prayed bama would get left out of the playoff, then when tgey got in, they clamored for Clemson to beat them again. Then it was Georgia that was carrying to hopes of everyone not listed above. The media didn't want bama to win it again. And then bama won anyway, despite the wishes of haters, jealous fan based, media, and certain analysts. They did it all after an unprecedented injury toll on the biggest strength of their defense, the linebackers. Something like 43 games missed among those guys. Yet they still did it.

The I juries really started to show against Mississippi State and Auburn. Could not generate much pressure with so many key LBs out, and at Auburn, tgey were totally gased, wasn't much they could do that day, and tgey got beat.

But then after roughly a month, players got healthy, and the Alabama we've all become accustomed to, returned to the field, and dominated Clemson throughout on defense.

Then came the national title game. Nothing went right at all in the first half. Jalen couldn't throw, run game wasn't doing much better, and despite playing well, the defense gave up 13 in the first half, and bama looked to be at a 7 count out of 10.

Then the magic happened after that first series on the second half. S touchdown to get em back in it, uga2with an immediate answer. Bama stuck with it and got back to back field goals to make it one score deficit. Defense continued playing well-- just as key as Tua played in the clutch. 4th and goal and all of a sudden tied game.

Missed kick sent it to OT, and after sacking Tua following their field goal in OT, it was all but certain a UGA victory was at hand, and the crumbling of a dynasty, and death of the king. But nay.

Being the champions they are, bama rose back up on the 9 count out of 10, threw a vert down the far sideline for an incredible, and unbelievable Walk off winner.

Bama fans everywhere celebrated, while the rest of the college football world collectively puked. And it was beautiful, oh so very beautiful.


Illegal pick play ran by Clemson to win last year's National Title. Clear, cut, and obvious and 3 different officials were looking right at it and not a single flag was thrown. I'm not a Bama fan by any means, but that was a easy call and it was missed.


“I don’t know if Alabama would have beaten Wisconsin this past weekend”- Jesse Palmer, 2018😂😂😂


Jessy palmer’s Canadian and gator roots just wont allow him to see the obvious: Alabama deserved it. Proof is in the winning. Still amazed at the bias against Alabama. All I got left to say is Roll Tide! 17 somehow taste the sweetest! Tide!


When the final play happened it synced perfectly with Great video making.


Somebody did a really good job with this video.


I've watched this video at least 6 times - great job---Roll Tide Roll!!!


I head banged even when the espn analysts were talking because I knew the song would continue. I’ve watched a bunch of these type of vids but this one had my head bangin the entire time. Good song, good vid, good edits.


Desmond is was still against the Tide after the win. Questioning Nick's decisions.
