5 Canon FACTS About the CHOSEN ONE ANAKIN SKYWALKER Pt. 4 | Star Wars Canon Explained | #Shorts

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5 Canon FACTS About the CHOSEN ONE-ANAKIN SKYWALKER Pt. 4-Anakin Skywalker was a legendary Force-sensitive human male who was a Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic and the prophesied Chosen One of the Jedi Order, destined to bring balance to the Force. Also known as "Ani" during his childhood, Skywalker earned the moniker "Hero With No Fear" from his accomplishments in the Clone Wars. His alter ego, Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, was created when Skywalker turned to the dark side of the Force, pledging his allegiance to the Sith Lord Darth Sidious at the end of the Republic Era. A vergence in the Force, Skywalker was born on the desert planet of Tatooine in the Outer Rim Territories in 41 BBY. He was the son of Shmi Skywalker, a slave who conceived a child without a father. His blood contained over twenty-thousand midi-chlorians, surpassing that of Grand Master Yoda and all other Jedi in the galaxy. Qui-Gon Jinn, the Jedi Master who discovered Skywalker during the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, theorized that Skywalker was conceived by the midi-chlorians. Following the Battle of Naboo, the Jedi High Council admitted Skywalker into the Order as the Padawan of Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi despite feeling that he was too old and emotional to adhere to the Jedi Code. During the early days of the Clone Wars, Skywalker served as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic, commanding the clone troopers of the elite 501st Legion against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He also oversaw the Jedi training of his own apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, after receiving his knighthood. Although Jedi doctrine prohibited personal relationships, Skywalker had a secret wife, Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo. In 19 BBY, Skywalker learned that Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine was Darth Sidious, the elusive Dark Lord of the Sith who orchestrated the war in order to take over the galaxy. Palpatine manipulated Skywalker into believing that the Jedi were traitors and plotting to take over the Republic. This, coupled with his fear of losing Amidala in childbirth, caused him to betray and turn against the Jedi Order, believing Sidious had the knowledge to cheat death. Consumed by the persona of Darth Vader, the fallen Jedi Knight marched his legion on the Jedi Temple of Coruscant where they executed its inhabitants, including Jedi younglings, as part of Order 66 and the Great Jedi Purge. Vader was then sent to Mustafar to exterminate the Separatist Council at the behest of his Sith Master, now the self-proclaimed Galactic Emperor. Vader subsequently sustained severe injuries in his duel with Kenobi, and was rebuilt as an armored cyborg while his wife died of a broken heart, though not before giving birth to the twins Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa who were hidden from their father and the Emperor as the Galactic Empire rose to power. Vader enforced the rule of the New Order as the Emperor's Sith apprentice throughout most of the Imperial Era. In the aftermath of the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, he discovered the existence of his son and was determined to turn Luke to the dark side. Luke sought to become a Jedi, like his father before him, and believed that Vader had the potential to turn back to the light side of the Force. Vader was defeated by Luke during the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, but the young Jedi refused to strike down his father in anger, causing the Emperor to torture Luke with Force lightning. The pain inflicted on his son awakened the part of Vader that was still Anakin, resulting in a redeemed Skywalker killing Sidious at the cost of his own life. Having destroyed the Sith and fulfilled his destiny as the Chosen One, Skywalker made peace with his son and became one with the Force. Anakin Skywalker was one of the most powerful Jedi and Sith in galactic history.

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What's your favorite Anakin Skywalker fact or moment?


Damn that’s lowkey sad… he was treated different by other children and teachers because of his insane potential. Treated with dissimulation.


If you think abt it, his backstory is similar to what happens with many real people. He was broken as a child, and never healed. As a result, he committed terrible actions. All because others were judgmental of him. We gotta be kind to each other, so we don’t make any more real life ‘Darth Vaders’


Anakin also had issues forging bonds cuz he was afraid of losing them. Which circles back to his attachments


Anakin was a total mechanic at heart. He could connect better with machines than with organics.


There should be a Disney plus show about him training as a padawan and youngling


Anakin suffered alot throughout his life, the jedi council pushed him into the arms of sith lord


If only they tried to understand him better.


The story of star wars is simple anikan was a youngling than he wasnt, he then ended younglings, that his gf had younglings, then anikan tried to kill his son, then he tried to groom him, then he died shortly later. The End


sad how Anakin had so much potential but nearly nobody believed in him


Man that’s kind of sad the two best coolest Jedi ever Aniken and Obi-Wan


If he's the best pilot on the republic then he's the best pilot in the galaxy. Separatist hardly have any pilot 😂.


From what comic book are the pictures? And from where do you know all that? I'd like to read it :)


I should’ve token skywalker in to be bobas brother and i would’ve given skywalker mandalorian armor like mine


Wow this kind of reminds me of avatar ang in the air nation after everyone knew he was the avatar no one wanted to play with him


I'm still mad plo moon died in order 66, he was so powerful but I understand he was in a horrible spot for order 66 to go off


I mean, Anakin already liked flying. He was a pod racer, and was fascinated by flying. It wasn’t during the battle of Naboo that he realized that.


Just imagine if anakin met ahsoka during his childhood but only thing I would do I make ahsoka 2 years younger then him where in attack of the clones his 19 and she’s 17 that would give them 10 years to build a strong force bond


Honestly. Anakin was a good person deep down, but what ruined him was his environment


I sadly cant finish your video cause the first part is inaccurate, it was obviously the first time he did a pod race, smh
