Batman The Merciless #1 (Dark Nights Metal) || iRate Reviews

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Batman The Merciless #1 has Batman from The Animated Series and Justice League Unlimited becoming the God of War! Let's dig in.
Batman The Merciless #1 is the next chapter in the Dark Nights Metal event and so far this might be one of my favorites. The backstory for the character may be a little thin, but it moves the current plot forward and bit, and while the twist on Batman may be simple, it doesn't make it any less effective. Faced with the death of his love, Wonder Woman, Batman takes up the helm of Ares, granting his huge amounts of power and seeks his revenge on the God of War. Due to the corrupting power and influence that war has over man, Bruce eventually begins the devastation of his world, making it all the way to the door step of Olympus itself. This is when he is recruited by the Batman Who Laughs and is brought into the service of Barbatos. The last page twist was one I was not expecting, and really hit me. This was likely because I was enjoying the great art coming out of Francis Manapul. Overall, Batman The Merciless issue #1 is one of my favorites. Some might call it the weakest of the books, but the spectacle, history and twist make it a strong recommendation from me.
iRate Reviews is the show where I go over specific comic books from my pickup that deserve to be talked about review them in a little bit more depth. This doesn't mean that they are always good though. Some comics are lessons in what NOT to do.
Batman The Merciless #1 is the next chapter in the Dark Nights Metal event and so far this might be one of my favorites. The backstory for the character may be a little thin, but it moves the current plot forward and bit, and while the twist on Batman may be simple, it doesn't make it any less effective. Faced with the death of his love, Wonder Woman, Batman takes up the helm of Ares, granting his huge amounts of power and seeks his revenge on the God of War. Due to the corrupting power and influence that war has over man, Bruce eventually begins the devastation of his world, making it all the way to the door step of Olympus itself. This is when he is recruited by the Batman Who Laughs and is brought into the service of Barbatos. The last page twist was one I was not expecting, and really hit me. This was likely because I was enjoying the great art coming out of Francis Manapul. Overall, Batman The Merciless issue #1 is one of my favorites. Some might call it the weakest of the books, but the spectacle, history and twist make it a strong recommendation from me.
iRate Reviews is the show where I go over specific comic books from my pickup that deserve to be talked about review them in a little bit more depth. This doesn't mean that they are always good though. Some comics are lessons in what NOT to do.