I Made Up 30+ New Pokemon Moves

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The Pokemon series includes hundreds upon hundreds of moves, but today I thought I'd throw my own hat into the ring. Here are 31 Pokemon moves I made up. Leave a comment with your own move ideas, which I might go over in a future video.

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And then GameFreak introduced Supercell Slam, which, you guessed it… has a really bad drawback


They really need to get rid of Freeze and replace it with Frostbite. Keep the low chances and buff it if the user is Ice type (and only Ice types gain the increased chance under Snow) that way Water types keep their coverage without going ham on the status.


I like the idea of a steel type move called coin flip where u have a 50% chance to raise all stats


Man I love custom move ideas it's always so fun. Here's one I thought up a while ago

Perish Cry, Fighting type, Status
5 PP, Power --, Accuracy --%

The user raises all of their stats (by one stage), but will faint in three turns unless it switches out of battle.


You Lose wouldn't make Zacian any more unbalanced tbh


Winter shed: The user loses the grass type and raises it's speed two stages. (Like trees in fall when leaves fall)


These are some fun and creative ideas!
Some moves I've thought of...

Heat Lightning - Electric type Special move with 70 power and 100 Accuraccy, 10% to either Burn or Paralyze, and gets a 50% boost from sunlight. Designed to be a coverage move for Fire-types.
and in the same vein
Pyrokinesis - Fire-type Special move with 80 power and 100 Accuracy, 10% to either Burn or Confuse, and gets a 30% boost from Psychic Terrain.
Super Spark - Electric-type Physical move that's basically physical Thunderbolt. Wild Charge and Volt Tackle would each get a 10 point power buff.
Stampede - Normal-type Physical move that damages all opposing Pokemon. Its power is 25 x the number of concious party members.
Heel Crush - Rock-type Physical move with 70 power, 100 Accuracy, and a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense. Created with hoofed Pokemon in mind.
Galestorm - Wind-based Flying-type Special move with 80 power, 100 Accuracy and damages all surrounding Pokemon. Will move any hazards on the user's side to the opponent's.


Sadly, Wild Charge needs to have low power because PC's special child Pikachu absolutely needs to have Voltakle at 120 damage...

Despite the fact that the anime and marketing department abandoned Voltakle ages ago.


Psy kick was an idea i had for a while


Obliteration Spin: Water type Physical, Contact, Biting move 90 BP, 10 PP

Clamps down on the target and pulls it into the water preventing escape. The spinning motion wears down the target, reducing it's DEF by 1 stage per turn.

Feraligatr signature move


I had a interesting idea for Giant Slayer that plays into a relatively new mechanic:
Depending on the opposing Pokémons *size*, the attack does more damage.


Crash test wall: A rock type counter attack that damages the opponent more based on how fast the opponent is.


Since Hidden Power doesn’t exist anymore, and Tera Blast won’t either beyond Gen 9, I feel like some mons are in need of special coverage moves. One move I came up with for this is Hailstorm, and 70 base power Ice-type Special attack that becomes 50% stronger when used in the Rain, since hail spawns in thunderstorms. In addition to being on Water and Ice-types, this would serve as a move for Electric-type special attackers to use like Hidden Power Ice. I had thought of a physical Fire-type counterpart to be learned by Grass-types, but wouldn’t know what to make its added affect, since Sun boosts the move by 50% anyway.

Another move I came up with I called Evolution Beam. It’a a Normal-type Special attack tbat starts at 60 BP, but also gets 50% stronger with each evolution. (60 BP stage 1, 90 BP stage 2, 120 BP stage 3). This exists entirely to break Porygon-Z.


Type: Electric
Base Power: 65
Accuracy: 100
Priority: +1
Effect: uses the Users Speed instead of Attack to calculate damage.

List of all Electric-Type Pokémons, that can't learn Flash-Tackle:


9:53: (insert Super Mario 64 sounds here)

Fun. Of the many ideas I've had in my lifetime, here's one that I think would actually be viable in high-level competitive:
Guard Drop
Type: Fighting
Power Rate: 80
Power Points: 15
Accuracy: 100%
Basically the opposite of Psyshock. It's a physical move, but hits the opponent's Special Defense.


Dust devil: A ground type attack that is super effective against flying type Pokémon.


Rejuvenating Breath: Grass Special, 90 BP 10 PP

Deal SE damage on Dark and Poison type Pokemon. Heals 1/3 HP and cures statuses when used on ally

Meganium signature move


Shimmer: Fire type Special. 80 BP 5 PP

Damages all adjacent Pokemon. Creates an illusion that takes damage for the user for maximum of 5 turns or until its HP (based on user's SATK) is used up.

Johto Typhlosion signature move


I think instead of making straight up better versions of physical moves that we just buff the already existing ones


if only strenght was a rock type move, it often depicted throwing a boulder
