'Learning Arabic Greeting Phrases' #SOC119 #Arabic #ArabicLanguage #assalamualaikum #marhaba

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In the spirit of learning new things, Sam invited American students to learn some basic Arabic greetings. How did they do? How would YOU do?

Joins us live on Tuesdays and Thursdays! Right here on YouTube!

Full Lecture Here!

Class Reflection Videos:

Spring 2023 Semester, Class 7
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In the spirit of learning new things, Sam invited American students to learn some basic Arabic greetings. How did they do? How would YOU do?

Joins us live on Tuesdays and Thursdays! Right here on YouTube!

Full Lecture Here!

Class Reflection Videos:


The first girl actually did really good that Arab girl got attitude lol


Guys, this is an academic setting, not a tourist trip, and the point is to learn how to speak as best as it should sound like and build confidence that they can. If you're capable of it, why not put in the effort, be a little rigorous, and try and learn it even if it's unfamiliar to you? Idk why everyone is complaining when the professor is encouraging them to do their best to pronounce it as accurately as possible, not putting them down. And for the ones saying "everyone has an accent", no, there are lots of people who actually actively try to sound like a native, plus there are letters you have to pronounce in order to even speak the language. English is my forth language and I pronounce things the way an American would. It's not impossible.


We need more teachers like him
Amazing and beautiful way of teaching


My girlfriend is Arab (Syrian), and let me tell you, it took her weeks to teach me the differences in how letters that sound eerily similar where pronounced. My advice to anyone trying to learn Arabic would be learn the alphabet, learn how to read how the letters conjoin, and then learn basic words. Once you can introduce yourself, start learning conjugations, parts of speech, and then boom


So many comments of deaf and dumb people claiming the arab girl to be rude or whatever. Listen carefully in the beginning. The Prof sets a scenario. She has to prepare the girls to greet a Sultan. Like making sure you have correct posture and pronounciation of words when meeting the Queen. The Prof wanted her not to just let their incorrect pronounciation slide and make sure they get it right. I am turkish born in germany and all my childhood i let others mispronounciate my name and instead of owning it, i let it slide. Why should i?


That girl did fine. Why is it so awful for english speakers to have an "english" accent when speaking another language. No one else is expected to sound 100% native.


I’m a revert and that " ح" and the “غ” be getting me LMAO I sound German when I try to pronounce it 😭


They were fine, like it's the first time for them so it's not that bad, ح + ع are not easy on westerns, so they are appreciated to try


btw guys no foreign can speak Arabic without Arabs knows that he is a foreign

even between the Arabs themselves there is people with no Arab tongue

so anyone wana learn arabic take it easy you will have the basics and some imporvment

but it is really hard to get it all
still you will do a good job and we as Arabs will support you and understand you very well becuase we are kind people and love to hear non Arabs try to speak Arabic, we feel warm and respect ^_^

keep going <3


Most Muslims in the world don't speak Arabic, and say 'Assalamu a'laikum' without the ayn pronounciation. The specific semitic sounds are hard for people from other languages to use in common conversation.


Arabic is a Category 4 language for English speakers, in other words it's among the 5 most difficult languages in the world. (others are Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean)


I am taking a linguistics class, study of languages. I learned that it is really hard for people to learn other languages because there are some sounds that you do not know how to pronounce and cant pronounce. It takes years of practice just to be able to make some sounds. So good job to that girl for trying.


Arabic is the best language in the world languages like English French Spanish Italian all took the same alphabets from Arabic before Arabic people used to use signs and symbols like the Chinese language and the holographic language but after the letter system of the Arabic language everybody started to copy it also the language is so deep and the Arabic speaker can pronounce any thing in any language it gives you the perfect tongue


She's a bit rude, the other girl is trying though


That just seems rude. If someone were trying to learn my language, I'd appreciate their first try and not criticize them for not getting the niche pronunciations right


I learned all.these hururfs and tajweed when I was a kid in pakistn every kid has an arabuc teacher who teaches from a to z...untill the kid grow up and fluently recite Quran e pak...Alhmdulillah❤😌


This lady will make a real good Arabic teacher she making sure they pronounce the letters correctly not only the phrase she genuine


I love the way Arabic sounds!! It’s one of the languages I’m learning


I'm learning Arabic, and it took me some time to actually pronounce letters properly, and that first girl was how I spoke at first. Now, almost 10 years later and I can pronounce words, just actually holding a full conversation is what I'm working towards.
