The Youth Of Maester Aemon | House Of The Dragon History & Lore | Reign Of King Maekar Targaryen

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Prince Aemon Targaryen the third son of King Maekar Targaryen stands out among the Princes Of House Targaryen having been sent to Oldtown to train as a Maester, not a common thing for the blood of the dragon. At the death of his father he was offered the throne only to turn down the chance joining the nights watch to leave his younger brother Prince Aegon as the only real heir of Maekar. We will also take a look at Maekar's two daughters, Daella and Rhae whom both play a very minor role in history.

The Youth Of Maester Aemon | House Of The Dragon History & Lore | Reign Of King Maekar Targaryen

00:00:00 The Troubled Elder Brothers
00:00:50 The Early Life Of Prince Aemon
00:02:13 Becoming A Maester
00:03:53 Serving Prince Daeron On Dragonstone
00:05:50 The Trial By Seven
00:05:09 Daella Targaryen
00:05:51 Rhae Targaryen

The Dance Of The Dragons will be the focus of the plot of the new HBO spin-off House Of The Dragon coming in 2022. So if you want to learn the story before we see HBO's take on it then this will be a very long-running series. Game Of Thrones / House of the dragon are HBO shows based on George R R Martin's A Song Of Ice And Fire series. The information in this video comes from the books a world of ice and fire as well as fire and blood.
Cicero II
Max Wines
The following link is for all the art that I use, if you see an image in this video a link to the source of it will be there, and the name of the artist if it's possible to find. If you see art in any video that has been attributed incorrectly please send me a email so i can fix it, i feel it is vitally important to credit artists, especially with the rise of Ai Art. Unfortunately mistakes do happen as work gets reposted without credit all the time making narrowing down the original source a challenge.

Thumbnail Art (Young Aemon) By amuelia
#gameofthrones #asoiaf #houseofthedragon #hbogameofthrones #asongoficeandfire #got #fireandblood #danceofdragons #windsofwinter
Рекомендации по теме

I really hope Jon Snow's real name is Aemon because of how fitting it is. Aemon The Dragonknight was one of his childhood heroes, Maester Aemon was his mentor, and both men had an Aegon for a brother, much like Jon had a half brother named Aegon who died as a babe


For the lord commander!!

For Maester Aemond as well!!!


Always interesting how, whenever there's a period of a sustainable number of Targaryens... they just happen to get wiped out in all within around a single Generation. GRRM really trying to prune the Dynasty tree in the least subtle of ways. 😅

Also, glad you mentioned it too. Found Daeron's reasoning funny cause it wasn't the number of heirs that caused the issue that led to the Dance of the Dragons, it was the choice of which of the 2 claimants would rule after Viserys that caused it.


The decision of Daeron to send Aemon to Citadel may created the fall of Targaryn dynasty. But it was a great blessing to Nights Watch.


Daella or Rhae might marry a Tarth. Because in The World of Westeros it is said that House Targaryen recently married into House Tarth and the two are the only Targareyens whose further fate we do not know. Maybe this is all in a later Dunc & Egg story, including the explanation why Duncan is related to Brienne.


1st to take the Black for House Blackfyre🗡
I often wonder what Aemon would be like as king? But I still think a Blackfyre would be better 😄


Bad choice making Aemon a Maester. He would have been a good King.


For House Mallister of Seagard. Lord of Seagard. "Above the rest.” 🦅🟣
