The Supreme Court Must Protect Abortion Access
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The nation’s highest court is considering Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, a case that will determine whether the state of Texas can shut down nearly all abortion care providers in the state, placing countless women at risk of serious harm.
For decades, the Supreme Court has affirmed that the U.S. Constitution protects every woman's right to make her own personal decision about her pregnancy. But Texas politicians have passed a law that buries women’s health clinics under requirements so onerous they would drive more than 75 percent of clinics out of business. These requirements will harm women’s health, not improve it.
Sham laws like these take away women's rights and send us back in time. Anti-choice politicians are trying to sneak around the Constitution, but we can stop them. The health and rights of millions of women in Texas—and across the country—are at stake.