The Two Most Important Days Of Your Life

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Every 21 seconds, a child dies because of lack of access to clean water.

How did we get here? I don’t know. But perhaps this has to do with the fact that we lost the right perspective in what makes life worth living.

Just like a bird, born inside of a cage who believes that flying is an illness, life’s most tragic reality is that of a person who lives without compassion.

Innately, all of us are born with the ability to care for others.

Unfortunately, society misguides us into believing that our worth is measured by our possessions. The harsh reality however is that none of our belongings will follow us into our graves…

When we suppress our ability to care, we suppress what makes us human and our lives begin to lose it’s meaning and purpose.

This is why we sometimes feel numb from our existence. It’s because a void was created every time we turned our backs on an opportunity to make someone else’s life better.

The solution is therefore for us to reclaim our sovereignty by going back to why we were created in the first place.

Don’t delay this. Your life has value.

P.S: I need your help in building a water well in Gaza with IDRF in loving memory of my dear brother Mustapha who passed away (Allah Yerhamo).

10 years ago, Mustapha had started an initiative to unite the Muslim community to feed the homeless in Montreal during the entire month of Ramadan.

This was the first time I ever participated in relief work and I never stopped since…    

Mustapha was a community leader, a loving family man, an entrepreneur and most importantly, Mustapha was someone who reminded us that the “most eloquent form of speech is action.”  

With your help, this water well will be a source of Sadaqua Jarryah for him.

The world needs more Mustapha.

Rest in peace my brother.

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Very nice thank you for such a nice message


je suis la mère de Mustapha, allahyarhamou,jazaka allahou khayran pour ce que vous faites pour allah d'abord et pour la reconnaissance de Mustapha.


May Allah have mercy on Mustapha and may Allah protect his progeny. Thanks for this Eduardo.


MashaAllah Brother..:) Well done.. May Allah Ta'Alaa reward you greatly in this life and the next, Ameen...Beautiful thank you for continuing the struggle to make people realize that we are all people and not less than, cause we don't have a roof over our heads..
