Being A Parent (AND Storytime animator)

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🐀 HEY ell rats! If you haven't already, meet our littlest baby rat ✨ Her name is Grace Elizabeth 👶🏻 🎀 🐀 Being a MOM at the same time as a story time youtuber is insane. and i love it. Thanks rat fam for watching.

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🐀 Conor Toland / @conortoe on Twitter/instagram

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My P.O. Box is now closed! Thank you so much for all of the gifts over the years!
Thanks for watchin, and i hope to see u soon!
-ell, Max, Grace and Sweet Potato 🐀
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HEY GUYS! Happy Holidays, we love u :) Follow my instagrams (in description) if u want to see more baby Grace things 🐥🍼 What was your favorite part of the video?


6:22 I'm calling it rn she's gonna love rock or heavy rock when she's older 😭


I hope you and your kid are having a fantastic Christmas!!!


Genuinely, it heals my heart to hear other people affirm how hard the newborn phase is. We’re not quite 3 months in with our first baby, and I feel so deflated when I see posts about how heavenly the newborn phase is, and moms just wanting to hold their babies 24/7.

I love my baby, but I don’t think I could ever say that I love the newborn phase.


Babies are so weird when it comes to things that entertain them. Like my baby nephew was SUPER fascinated with my lip piercing to the point he'd climb on my lap just to poke at the metal spike under my lip. Then he'd get scared cuz the spike is indeed spike-y xD


Although I don’t know what being a mom is like, I can imagine it is tough. Being an animator and a mom is not easy. I appreciate you for sticking through and making this entertaining stories for us. You survived a crazy man on a bus, bills smelly pits, and much more. You got this!


6:45 my mum had my little sister back in January this year, and she’s grown literally so much! The poor little girl had rhinovirus at one point though, and she just got better, which is great 😊 but it’s true. We have all these toys set out in front her, and her top favourite are
1-empty water bottles
2-kitchen appliances
3-my necklace.
So she basically pulls on my necklaces, whenever I pick her up, and chokes me. I still loved her though ❤


Ur animation quality has gotten so much better I’ve been watching you for years with my brother😭😭


You're doing great as a mom. Also, Bluey is a good first baby cartoon.


I fully 100% recommend dance time before bed when she becomes a toddler, just put on music in her room and everyone’s dances (gets the energy out) and it’s FUN!! -from a girl who hung out at her cousins for a month and joined in on dance time every night



wow so this hit hard 😭

my name is grace actually and I've been struggling with my mom lately, she's very sick. it's been hard having to watch her lose her independence. taking care of her has been difficult too, especially since I'm dealing with other stuff and going through exams as well. I'm watching this after she just got taken off in the ambulance. she's at a point where we can't care for her anymore. watching my mom go off like that sucked, probably one of the hardest things ever. (also the paramedics totally ran over my foot with the stretcher.) that message was really nice to hear 😭 I wish you two the best.

go hug your mom everyone


Imagine if Grace watches these vids of her when she’s older, hope you have a good Christmas:>


Parenting is gonna be hard but you got this! your a great mom
4:57 SO REAL. I HAVE SO MANY SQUIRREL PHOTOS AND VIDEOS! their just so entertaining


bro i have not seen this channel in 5 years!!!! the animation has improved, AND YOUR A MOM WHAT?!?!?


I love how realistic your cartoons are and how realistic you are with how houses actually look


3:47 This is so true,
Guys please know that it gets better. I know that life may suck sometimes but it gets better. My life took years to get better and I hope yours doesn't take as long. Please take great care of yourself, you matter so much


Ell, you are an amazing mom. You got this. Awww Grace shes so cute


A lot of being a new parent is the sudden thrust of responsibility... You love that little thing and you know. Due to no fault of your own. That it can just DIE... And it makes you go a tiny bit hectic.

Best advice I can give is when you feel like you're at a wits end scenario. Find a reprieve... Make sure the baby's safe and take a minute to breathe.... It's okay to have those feelings. It's not okay to act on them.

Frustration and a lack of sleep can make your mind go places... Just be ready to take turns and SLEEP WHEN THEY SLEEP IF ITS YOUR FIRST.


I and my 8 year old daughter watch you A LOT!!! It’s so awesome to watch content that we CAN actually watch together and ENJOY!!! Your stories hit home and are hilarious! You are also extremely talented! Thank you ELL!!!!


It flies by! The days are long (as described in the video) but the years are short. I didn't get that until my oldest was 15 and my 7th was almost 15 months and I was teary eyed and said "she's almost 15!" and my oldest said "months or years?" and I said yes! Our youngest is 2.5 and our oldest is now 21 years old. Each age and stage has its up and downs, don't wish the time away! I thought with my first I can't wait until she can walk, talk etc... It's all great!
