Bach Minuet in G BWV Anh 114 (Petzold) Tutorial: How to Play the Ornaments (Video 1)

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The Bach (Petzold) Minuet in G is one of the most beloved pieces in the keyboard repertoire. This short video explains how to play the ornaments that appear in the original manuscript of this piece.

There are 3 types of ornaments: a mordent, an appoggiatura, and a trill. Fingerings and interpretations are offered for each, as well as a discussion of what is considered the "correct" version of the ornaments for Baroque period music.

For a mordent, start on the written note, play it, play the note below, and return to the main note. A mordent is a 3 note ornament

For the appoggiatura, the "grace note" will take more note value. In this case the most common interpretation is to give the grace note one beat, and have the written note get two beats. However this is often played many different ways.

For the trill, start on the note above the written note, in this case start on a C. Back and forth between note above and written note--either 4 notes or 6 notes.

Measure 3, Mordent 00:41
Measure 5, Mordent 02:43
Measure 8, Appoggiatura 03:21
Measure 30, Trill 04:20

Finally--it is okay to explore ornaments and try putting some of your own ornamentation into this piece--it is another form of improvisation!

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This video is totally underrated. I cannot believe such a detailed and well-explained video has such a low viewership. Thank you so much for this video making and all the ideas shared. Thank you!


Thank you Jennifer. Great tutorial. So well explained that after seeing this video for the first time three weeks ago I had a go at playing mordents and appoggiaturas. Then decided to learn the Minuet and now I can play it! In case I did not mention it in my other comments, I am an adult piano beginner learning by myself. I did have 3 years lessons as a child but was so BAD at it that when I was 11 I quit. Now I am 62 and back in February decided to go back to learning piano. Had to do so from scratch as I had forgotten everything. I am still bad but slowly improving and your videos are undoubtedly and definitely helping. Thank you again.


This video is awesome. Love the part you played and added ornaments. I need to do that when I repeat and you gave me some ideas.
Many people are playing the mordents before the beat from the versions that I listen. And you gave a clear explanation about that. It was super helpfull.
You mentioned a companion video. Is on YouTube yet?


Thank you for explaining! That ornament is driving me nuts. My mordent breaks the rhythm and changes the volume, lol. But I can’t listen to this piece without it, it makes the difference


A very holly blessed ggoodmorning to you dear Olympia, amazing😯. You have revealed a misterious secret to me about these ornamentations... Interesting and thank you from the bottom of my heart for this, you're wonderful, bless you🤗.


Thank you! I was really struggling with these.


Great explanation, many thanks for teaching ❤


I've seen a couple tutorials of this song but some of them don't even play the ornaments. Thanks for making this clear 🙏🏻


This video really helped me understand the ornaments on this piece thanks.


This was exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much!


Thanks a lot!!
Your videos are really helpful as I self learn pieces
You give lots of tips that are really great and hope you make more videos like this!!😀😀


I am a beginner and this is my first classical piece to play. Your comments and instructions have been very helpful and most appreciative. Your instructions are very clear with a full understanding of the variations. I will definitely try to stay in touch with you for future comments. Again, many thanks for I have been searching for the meaning of these ornaments. there is a symbol in measure 25, 26, & 29 like a quarter rest above note. Do you have an explanation of these? Later.


Another way of thinking of this is simply when the mordant falls on an eighth note, you play an eighth note triplet and when it falls on a quarter note you play a quarter note triplet. The mordant must divide the mordant's count equally into 3 parts, therefore the 3 notes composing the eighth note mordant are twice as fast as the 3 notes filling the quarter note mordant. Playing 8th triplets in close proximity to quarter triplets is harder than you think. just make sure when you are playing it the measure ends on the right count.


I'm playing mordants here not 1-2-3 but 3-2-1. This way it's more convenient and lets hand not to move right after mordant but remain in position to play next exactly four notes. Anyway thank you. Very important remarks about baroque traditions of performing ornaments every piano player should know.


Thank you again I feel that this is a bonus to my life, yes is tricky but I have to accept it and be gentle at least I've got an idea what is like. And I thik I'll stick wjth the beat and when I become more coragious I'll adventure😉. Is good that I can improvise with these... I shall take my "guinea pig song" out and use it... Eiye got work to do folks wish me good luck😄.


Very well explained and demonstrated. I'm just wondering if you have a link to download free sheet music for this piece please?


Good night perfectly good angel your method is verry fiable respect and good job


Dear Olympia why are sooo tricky to get one's head round it or them rather? I hope is not me the "culprit" 😂, ei?


At 6:19 (f# to g) you played something that I really like and Often do but don't know the name.
Is it a retardation? Apoggiatura?


How do I remove this guys adds. They are sending me crazy
