UK Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy on Labour’s foreign policy

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The Atlantic Council’s Europe Center will host a conversation with UK Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs David Lammy.

Britain and its partners, including the United States and Europe, together will need to address generation-defining challenges to the international system, including from wars of revisionism by Russia, greater confrontation with China, and a more diffuse, multipolar world.

To respond to those challenges, Lammy is making the case for the United Kingdom to take a new approach in its foreign policy: progressive realism, which will require greater, revised, and renewed relations with Britain’s closest partners in Washington and across Europe. In conversation with Frederick Kempe, president and CEO at the Atlantic Council, Lammy will discuss his vision and what it would mean for the United Kingdom’s role in European security, the transatlantic partnership, and relations with the Global South.


Driven by our mission of “shaping the global future together,” the Atlantic Council is a nonpartisan organization that galvanizes US leadership and engagement in the world, in partnership with allies and partners, to shape solutions to global challenges.

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Half of the introduced issues are understood, half of the issues of Mr. David Lammy are not undrstood completely.

1) The staring point is the traditional name of the foreign office. Who decided to change the traditional name of the traditional office to the name, which is unreasobaly long, and without the disclosure of the duties of the servants?
2) which is the budget the foreign office? Where can any one see a duty of the foreign commissioner?
3) one of the hiden duties of the foregn office is to attract investors. The current foreign office closed all entries into libraries all over the world.
Who needs the closed doors of the British commissioners!
4) There is Nato at the map. Which additional defence agreement is desirable by the servants of the foreign office, which is better than Nato in Europe at the islands.
5) There is the Asian traeaty, among few other remarkable treaties. Who created obstacles for the foreign office in the development of the Asian?
6) The light issue is an unsatisfaction with the indefinite "cliamte change" policy. I saw prime minsiter Rishi Sunak and other servants of the foreign office by my eyes in the recent conference in Dubai. The milestone of the conference was a decision of the UAE ruler to set up the company where the UAE ruler invested 100 bln, if I remember the figure correctly. Why the foreign office did not ask the members of the British parliament to make the donations into an indefinite climate change policy.

7) China. What will the United Kimgdom do in China - to learn the Chinese language or to sell the ships?
Big China is not only a complicated market inside due to the number of the population, but a difficult commercial partner for any one.
8) The casual staff of the foreign office comes to the office on duty as to the scene of fire and leaves the office like on fire in all emabassies at 4pm.
Working hours of the foreign office is from 09:00 tlll 12:00 all over the world. The basic salaries of the servants ranging from 40 till 100 thousand.
9) Who created the system of the foreign office in 1990s, according to which the foreing office employes the local staff instead of the British staff in all embassies?

Many British patriots remember Winston Churchill as a romatic prime minister. Today is year 2024 and not the year 1945.

There are lot of unused possibilities in the upper Champer of the British parliament. Please use them in the lower Chamber.

10) Who are the members of the British commitee which decide th employment of the servants of the foreign office - do they have the own eyes ?


Progressive realism doesn’t sound like a serious foreign policy alignment that the rest of the world is going to notice. David Lammy just comes across as a bit lightweight, a bit vague, a bit platitudinous…


White guilt tripping is obviously a wonderful career move now better than PPE degree.
