WWE 2K24: WCW PACK ALL DLC MOVES! (Every New Move)

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This video showcases the brand new moves that are being added to WWE 2K24 for the upcoming WCW DLC pack. The video features the regular moves list, pin combinations, taunts and more.

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The final DLC pack for WWE 2K24 which is the WCW pack, releases tomorrow! Here is a look at the moves that will be featured. I'm not sure they're the most exciting new moves, but some solid additions. Check back tomorrow for all the new DLC moves in action with their respective DLC superstars. What moves are some of your favourites? #TEAM101


I wish they added more Diamond Cutter Variations like they did for the Faithbreaker finisher


😂 I guarantee they counted 8 DDP taunts as part of the 60 new moves


The Diamond Cutter looks pretty good but I think I'll be adding perhaps a TKO, Pop-Up Cutter, or Powerbomb Cutter as a secondary finish for DDP. Dude could hit the move from any position.

The Back Suplex into the Camel Clutch is pretty sweet too but overall I'd say the new moves are (once again) underwhelming. The DLC for this game has been really all over the place.


What bothers me with every DLC but especially this one is the fact that 2K (and most content creators) advertise the DLC as having "__+ number of new moves" and that is most often never the case. Rarely does an actual completely new move show up at all but I'm willing to agree that new animations can count as new moves...but they also include taunts in the count as well.

This DLC for example...I saw someone say 55+ new moves included in this DLC...but DDP has 8 taunts, Muta has 7 taunts, Sheik has 8 taunts, and Luger has 3 meaning that 26 of the at least 55 aren't even moves at all and only 1 even interacts with the opponent at all. Back Suplex 9, Diamond Clash 1, Diamond Cutter 1, and Perfect-Plex have announcer table versions but they use the exact same animation so those are only 4 new moves and not 8 like most people would consider it. Torture Rack 4, Torture Rack 5, and Torture Rack 6 all use the same animation aside from the transition into the move from the varied positions standing front, standing behind, and supine lower body. I'd say there are 15-20 actual moves without the table repeats or position variants and the rest are taunts.

2K puts more (though very slightly) effort into MyFaction than they have done for all DLC and general fixes since launch. Logos are still bugged, stability is trash, CC is filled with pornographic content no matter how much you report, and even the persona cards they've put out have been garbage thrown together that half the time doesn't work/is incorrect (2017 Gable having current trons and music, Booker T knee goes invisible) or it isn't worth the money or effort to collect (the Roman Reigns '24 disaster, oddities being nearly impossible to collect.) I think they honestly put more effort into that bs Pat & clowns DLC than they did into any other DLCs and thats only because they didn't have any actual wrestlers so they decided to include moves people would actually enjoy like the Hidden Blade as the selling point. NOBODY wanted any of the people in that pack but in order to get the moves they had to buy it. 2K is as bad as Sweet Baby Inc.


Pretty trash tbh. The perfect-plex already in the game is way better than this. Hennig always took a step forward before delivering the move. This is just a generic fisherman's suplex.

I like they added the legdrop to the groin, but didnt bother to re-add his running dropkick or forearm smash that were removed after 2k18. No unique ring out for him either where he vaults over the top rope.

No new punches that suit Hennig added either, ones that would also work for guys like Bret, Sid and Dibiase too. Could have also done with a strong strike slap, one of his signature moves.

I wish 2k would have consultants for things like this, especially for us move-set nerds that try to make the wrestlers play as close to irl as possible. This is just so lackluster, flat and about as minimal as it gets.


Ah yes, the handspring back elbow that doesn't do a handspring.


No shining wizards still surprises me

Edit: I am now aware that he didn’t use the shining wizard here


Pretty underwhelming tbh. No cool diamond cutter variations with pin combos sucks. Also, just fyi to the people in the comments. Muto/Mutoh didn't start using the Shining Wizard until after he cut his hair in 2000/01.


So happy we have those japanese arenas a shame they didn't keep in WCW JAPAN.


I wish they would put Tiger driver 91’ in the game


The batteries on that flashing elbow are low cause who tf was that supposed to be? They did not nail any of the muta-esque mannerisms in the moonsault nor the flashing elbow


Seeing such deflating new moves makes me miss more and more the new moves dlc pack.


That Handspring Back Elbow seems to be missing a Hanspring


An underwhelming set of moves sadly. The last pack had some great stuff but this could’ve used a lot more


Not having a pin combo shining wizard for the great muta is criminal by 2k


That shoulder tackle with the cutter teaser os amazing move , put it on randy orton


I kept thinking of all the cool diamond cutters we were gonna get and this is the one we got?
Also how do they finally get to put the great freaking Muta in the game just to add no new shining wizards?
Just a travesty.
I’m really hoping 2k25’s dlc will be better.


I like the new Diamond Cutter animation 🔥


Did you know all of the superstars in the wcw pack feature special wrestlemania commentary
