AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2020 (PASS THE EXAM!)

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The AWS Certified Developer - Associate examination is intended for individuals who perform a development role and have experience maintaining an AWS-based application. By the end of this full course taught by an expert trainer, you will be ready to take the AWS Certified Developer Associate exam - and pass!

⭐Course Contents⭐
Check the pinned comment for the course contents with time codes. This course is so massive the full contents won't fit in this description!


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⭐️ Course Contents Below ⭐️
(More course contents in reply to this post)
☁️ Introduction
⌨️ (0:00:00) Meet Your Instructor
⌨️ (0:00:39) Introduction
⌨️ (0:04:28) Exam Guide Final
⌨️ (0:18:35) AWS Certified Challenge

☁️ Elastic Beanstalk
⌨️ (0:19:41) Introduction
⌨️ (0:22:55) Supported Languages
⌨️ (0:23:34) Web Vs Worker Env
⌨️ (0:25:23) Web Environment Types
⌨️ (0:26:43) Deployment Policies
⌨️ (0:27:57) All At Once
⌨️ (0:28:55) Rolling
⌨️ (0:29:58) Rolling With Additional Batch
⌨️ (0:31:04) Immutable
⌨️ (0:32:35) Deployment Methods
⌨️ (0:38:17) In Place vs Blue Green Part 1
⌨️ (0:41:14) In Place vs Blue Green Part 2
⌨️ (0:44:21) Configuration Files
⌨️ (0:45:21) Env Manifest
⌨️ (0:46:55) Server Configuration
⌨️ (0:49:06) EB CLI
⌨️ (0:51:12) Custom Image
⌨️ (0:53:21) Configuring RDS
⌨️ (0:55:02) Cheat Sheet

☁️ EB Follow Along
⌨️ (0:59:03) Cloud9 Setup
⌨️ (1:06:33) Open Cloud9 SG
⌨️ (1:07:58) Preview App
⌨️ (1:17:50) Init Git
⌨️ (1:21:28) EB CLI Setup
⌨️ (1:26:04) EB Init
⌨️ (1:29:19) EB Config
⌨️ (1:33:10) EB Create
⌨️ (1:42:10) Immutable
⌨️ (1:49:28) Blue Green
⌨️ (1:58:18) Docker Single
⌨️ (2:01:24) Docker External
⌨️ (2:15:39) Cleanup

☁️ ECS
⌨️ (2:17:11) Introduction
⌨️ (2:19:02) Cluster
⌨️ (2:20:28) Task Definition
⌨️ (2:21:39) ECR
⌨️ (2:22:21) Follow Along

☁️ Fargate
⌨️ (2:37:21) Introduction
⌨️ (2:38:29) Fargate_Tasks
⌨️ (2:40:12) Fargate vs Lambda
⌨️ (2:42:44) Follow Along
⌨️ (2:53:14) CheatSheet

☁️ X-Ray
⌨️ (2:55:19) Introduction
⌨️ (3:00:04) Anatomy of X Ray
⌨️ (3:02:17) Instrumentation
⌨️ (3:03:39) X Ray_Daemon
⌨️ (3:05:31) X Ray Concepts
⌨️ (3:06:32) Service Graph
⌨️ (3:07:52) Segments
⌨️ (3:09:14) SubSegments
⌨️ (3:11:30) Traces
⌨️ (3:12:37) Sampling
⌨️ (3:14:22) Trace Header
⌨️ (3:15:35) Filter Expressions
⌨️ (3:16:40) Groups
⌨️ (3:18:25) Annotations and Metadata
⌨️ (3:19:46) Exceptions
⌨️ (3:20:37) AWS Service Integration
⌨️ (3:21:22) Supported Languages
⌨️ (3:21:49) Cheat Sheet

☁️ ACM
⌨️ (3:25:20) Introduction
⌨️ (3:27:02) SSL Termination

☁️ Route53
⌨️ (3:29:18) Introduction
⌨️ (3:30:07) Use Case
⌨️ (3:31:15) Record Sets
⌨️ (3:32:48) Routing Policies
⌨️ (3:34:02) Simple Routing Policies
⌨️ (3:34:56) Weighted Routing Policies
⌨️ (3:35:58) Latency Based Routing
⌨️ (3:37:05) Failover Routing Policies
⌨️ (3:38:14) Geolocation Routing Policies
⌨️ (3:38:47) Geoproximity Routing Policies
⌨️ (3:40:39) Multi Value Answer Policies
⌨️ (3:41:07) Health Checks
⌨️ (3:42:13) Resolver
⌨️ (3:42:49) Cheat Sheet

☁️ API / SDK / CLI
⌨️ (3:44:57) CLI
⌨️ (3:46:25) SDK
⌨️ (3:47:34) Programmatic Access
⌨️ (3:48:43) Follow Along Cloud9
⌨️ (3:51:29) Follow Along CLI
⌨️ (3:56:03) Follow Along SDK
⌨️ (4:03:24) Cheatsheet

☁️ KMS
⌨️ (4:04:29) Introduction
⌨️ (4:07:25) Customer Master Keys
⌨️ (4:11:05) KMS CLI
⌨️ (4:12:31) Cheat Sheet

☁️ Cognito
⌨️ (4:14:19) Introduction
⌨️ (4:15:01) Web Identity Federation
⌨️ (4:16:06) User Pools
⌨️ (4:18:09) Identity Pools
⌨️ (4:19:22) Sync
⌨️ (4:20:02) Follow Along
⌨️ (4:25:02) Cheatsheet

☁️ SNS
⌨️ (4:26:20) Introduction
⌨️ (4:29:24) Topics
⌨️ (4:30:13) Subscriptions
⌨️ (4:31:39) Application as a Subscription
⌨️ (4:32:45) Cheatsheet

☁️ SQS
⌨️ (4:34:24) Introduction
⌨️ (4:37:17) Use Case
⌨️ (4:38:15) Limits Retention
⌨️ (4:39:15) Queue Types
⌨️ (4:40:26) Visibility Timeout
⌨️ (4:41:49) Short vs Long Polling
⌨️ (4:43:07) Cheat Sheet

☁️ Knesis
⌨️ (4:45:13) Introduction
⌨️ (4:45:59) Data Streams
⌨️ (4:47:30) Firehose
⌨️ (4:49:19) Video Streams
⌨️ (4:50:06) Data Analytics
⌨️ (4:50:51) Cheatsheet

☁️ Parameter Store
⌨️ (4:52:50) Introduction
⌨️ (4:55:33) Parameter Policies
⌨️ (4:56:51) CLI Hierarchy Example

☁️ Secrets Manager
⌨️ (4:58:11) Introduction
⌨️ (5:00:44) Automatic Rotation
⌨️ (5:02:07) CLI
⌨️ (5:03:23) Use Cases


Hi Andrew, I passed the exam yesterday.
Tips: some contents of this video (p1 and p2) are out of date, but they can still be used to build up your knowledge for the exam. I did try several AWS services with follow along, it's quite useful for me. Besides, I bought Udemy practice exams as well, they are quite useful to fill the gaps in your knowledge. I also watched Amazon's free material for this exam (4.5hr long) and did their free test (20 questions). Hope this will help. Good luck guys.


Are you kidding me, 12 hours of content no ads. You just blew my socks off. You guys rock. Too good to be true


This man is a champ. Making these courses is a really hardwork and on the top of that it's available on youtube for free. Followed Solution Archietect Associate passed the exam yesterday.


Introduction (0:00:00)
Elastic Beanstalk (0:19:41)
EB Follow Along (0:59:03)
ECS (2:17:11)
Fargate (2:37:21)
X-Ray (2:55:19)
ACM (3:25:20)
Route53 (3:29:18)
API / SDK / CLI (3:44:57)
KMS (4:04:29)
Cognito (4:14:19)
SNS (4:26:20)
SQS (4:34:24)
Knesis (4:45:13)
Parameter Store (4:52:50)
Secrets Manager (4:58:11)
DynamoDB (5:05:21)
DynamoDB Follow Along (6:05:46)
EC2 (6:59:25)
VPC (7:10:15)
Auto Scaling Groups (7:22:31)
VPC Endpoints (7:32:21)
ELB (7:36:02)
Security Groups (7:48:15)
NACLs (7:54:29)
VPC Flow Logs (7:58:06)
IAM (8:35:00)
CloudFront (9:02:39)
CloudTrail (9:17:59)
CloudFormation (9:35:35)
CDK (10:41:42)
SAM (10:45:07)
CI / CD (10:49:55)
CodeCommit (10:58:29)
Docker (11:02:20)
CodeBuild (11:10:15)
CodeDeploy (11:19:53)


So just passed the Exam. I prepared for 2 weeks using Andrew Brown videos only. Plus I bought Whizzlabs Practise Tests. The exam was much easier than I had expected. But this may be because I already have SAA. Whizzlabs tests were more difficult. A considerable amount of questions were from IAM role and policies, API gateway, and Lambda. Thanks again Andrew Brwon for these videos.


Thank you Andrew for this free video course. I passed the Certified Developer Associates exam on 6/12/2023. I watched this video once (going back a lot) and did 2 or 3 Tutorial Dojo tests plus I read/studied a lot of articles on test question topics. I had signed up for the TD-paid CDA tests. Slowly watching your video tutorial while trying to do the steps in your personal AWS account is not easy but very helpful. I work as a developer, but this test focuses on AWS-specific services and not any real coding questions. The test was heavy on deployment/stages of API gateway, Lambda, Code Deploy, and Code pipeline but someone else might have a different test question focus.


I had a Network issue during my exam. I was about to finish, I was on 58/65 questions and it kicked me out due to a network error. I called them and they said I would have to retake it. But today I got my exam results and I passed by 758. So I would like to say thank you so much for this wonderful tutorial.


Thanks! I just passed my Associate Developer course and this was a big part of my success, even though it's already two years after this originally came out.

This course was great for giving me background knowledge and I used practice exams as a way to really drill down the specifics.

Keep up the good word!


Hi Andrew, This was amazing. I studied a little on my own and then came across this tutorial a couple weeks before before exam. Once I started, just loved it. Stopped everything else (except practice questions) and focused only on this tutorial. Loved the cheatsheets and love how you touch the most important pieces of any topic. I passed today.


Just passed the exam on 24/04/2022. This training is good but it does not go into deep detail like CloudFormation syntax with hand-on, SAM, CI/CD. I also completed Udemy course from Stephane Maarek (highly recommended).
I took exam practice tests from Whizlaps and TutorialDojos and did twice for each test. First time I got 61%-65%, the second time I constantly got 76%-86%. I scored 800 in real exam, and you may get less than 5 questions which are similar to practice tests.
My advice is you need to seriously practice so you can remember all the syntax. My real exam focused on the majority of CloudFormation, SAM, CI/CD Code Deploy/Commit, and Encryption.


I came back just to say thank you. I passed the exam and strongly know tha this course helped me a lot to achieve this. Very nice explanation with a content focused on what is needed


Thank You for this video. I cleared aws certified developer associate exam. I attended cloudguru course, udemy practice exam and finally found this video.. I understood the concepts clearly and became confident to appear exam after watching this video only.. Thank you so much team.. God bless you.


Holy moly! If I were to take a classroom traning for this course in my country, it'd cost around $1, 800! These guys are providing this for free! 😭


just passed my exam!! man that was tough, couldn't have done it without this video, thank you so much!


Thanks guys, today I passed the exam, I got 748 all because of your videos, really thanks for making this video


Just passed my Developer Associate certification. Thank you for everything you've shared in this video. Very useful and easy to understand!


Some notes on the DynamoDB lesson ...

- DynamoDB scans are not less efficient because they "return everything", they're less efficient because they iterate all partitions. While queries fetch only from the partitions that are known to contain the data we're after.
- 5:26:59 - 20/4 equals 5. So 33 reads at 17gb per item would be 5 x 33 = 165 RCUs
- 5:28:22 - 24/4 equals 6. 14 reads at 24 KB = 42 RCU
- How does keeping the DynamoDB database smaller reduce cost? You don't pay per partition, you pay for RCU & WCU.
- Queries over GSI are not across the entire table, the query takes in a PK, so it's scoped to a partition.
- Queries on table do not require composite key, simple works too


I just passed the Developer Associate Exam and I would like to thank you! This course (both part 1 and part 2) helped a lot and each service was perfectly explained!


Today I passed the AWS Certified Developer.
After my exam, I immediately came here to express my sincere gratitude for making this video which gave a lot of information.
