Exam AZ-900 MS Azure Fundamentals Study Guide Episode 60 - Azure Feature Updates and Product Changes

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In this episode (the final one of the original series - yay!), we learn how to stay current with Microsoft Azure changes.
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Passed AZ 900 today with a score of 884/1000. It wouldn't be wrong to say that this playlist and this wonderful teacher Tim Warner had a huge role to play in my learning and passing of this certification exam. Kudos to you Tim. You rock !! :)


Wohooo! I passed the exam by the aid of your videos Tim. Awesome materials. Thank you very much.


Just done the exam and managed to score 953 from 29 questions!

Only discover this playlist yesterday, less than 24 hours before my exam this morning! Watched the first fourty videos until I couldn't keep my eyes open at 1am. The videos had covered some things I didn't get from other sources of information (Microsoft Learn, practice exam sites...etc.), and the demos you took us through definitely made things a lot clearer!

Might have scored 1000 if I was able to watch all 60 videos in time. .😁

So thank you Tim!


Hi Tim, ,, I just passed the exam today ... THANK YOU so so so much really, I studied Microsoft all learning paths and I watched all your videos ... appreciate your efforts and time spend preparing all of this posting it here on youtube for all the audience with zero cost ... The way present and speak throughout the course is very informative and very friendly, made me laugh many times while learning ... Thank you Tim for everything


Finished last one of your videos tonight and cleared the exam with 895 a couple hours later. Thanks for the great content.


Thanks Tim for the amazing training course for AZ-900 exam!

I passed the exam today and your course helped a lot!

God bless you man!


Hi Tim, I just completed all of your 60 videos on this course. Thanks so much for all your hard work! This has certainly helped in my understanding of Azure. For your info, my journey began with reading Jim Cheshire's book on AZ-900 Fundamentals. I then signed up for my Azure Free Account and got going with that while also following 2 online video training courses with O'Reilly. I supplemented those with John Savill's videos here on Youtube. His deep dives on certain Azure subjects are very helpful especially for gluing it all together. He was also the man who recommended you. I must say that your content and coverage of AZ-900 has been exceptionally well put together and a pleasure to follow. I must now sharpen up in certain areas of Azure, I still struggle with Azure storage / storage accounts, particularly where big data is concerned. Final note: During the course, I couldn't help but think that you were really Ian Punnett. Same voice and humour.


Hi Tim, what an amazing job youve done here. The whole course is a big help to so many budding IT professionals. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and wish you all the best on your next project.


Many thanks Tim for taking the time to create this video series and adding all the extra links and demos. Prior to finding this I'd bought AZ-900 courses from Udemy and Whizlabs and they're no where near as structured, detailed or informative as your (free) course. Aiming to sit the exam shortly and this has been a massive help in my prep. Thanks!


Thank you Tim! I have followed all your videos in your playlist and scored 908. Appreciate all your efforts to put this together. Keep doing the great work!


Hi Tim, I passed my exam thanks to these videos. Thank you for taking the time to put them together. I think these were very efficient in getting the right info over without making the videos overly long which can make them overwhelming. Great job!!


I can’t appreciate and thank you enough for all the detailed videos which helped me in passing the exam with a score of 976 today. My company has a business account in Pluralsight as well. Please continue to post your content in either of the available channels. With this detailed information, I’m confident in writing more exams in the near term. I have yet to decide which path I should take next.


Thank you Tim, I must say that you are a prolific instructor. I just cleared my exam with a score of 838 and your course helped a lot.


Thanks Tim for the brilliant course, it helped me pass my exam with 820 score!


Just completed the exam today and passed with 953/1000, so thanks Tim for your videos as they were a, maybe the, major part of my exam preparation!


Tim thank you so much for this entire series. Your teaching and dedication to this course has been incredible. I have my exam on Saturday and have revised this course twice over in preperation.


Hello Tim .. passed AZ900 today .. referred your videos also as part of my preparation.. just missed a perfect store by a point ... !! Thank you Tim ..


Thanks for all the effort in this tutorial Tim! It was really helpful to me and to the whole community that is interested in AZ900


Special thanks to you Tim for helping me pass my az-900 exam with 907 score. Now my goal is for Azure Developer exam.


Thanks a lot Tim, these videos were really helpful and got me 940!! I have watched the whole playlist and you made things very easy to understand..!
