When Life Gets Hard - Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

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Not muslim yet...but if i ever accept islam....it would be because of nouman ali khan...no one can explain better


I reverted 6 years ago and I can tell you that islam has given me a calmness that is unexplainable, even in knowing that I have hardships in this life, Allah has instilled a calmness and peace inside me just knowing that I am striving for jannah, a BEAUTIFUL place no mind can ever imagine . My struggles and being able to remain patient and dependent upon Allah is pleasing Allah and repenting always will inshaAllah save me from hell-fire. I could never find any of this peace before I reverted .. I searched and searched and only found it in #ISLAM . SubhanAllah, alhamdulillah for islam and it's easy teachings . I am content in knowing that Allah is just and Allah is fair.


"people you thought would never leave you will leave you" probably the hardest lesson till date. but taught me so much and made me realise what's really worth keeping and protecting...the relationship with Allah honestly


*I am at the very low of my Life and Ustad you dont even know how uplifted I am listening to you. Jazaak Allah.*


I am so depressed lately because my daughter diagnosed with autism and will never be able to talk. I've been always ask to Allah what is my sin, is my sin really big so you giving me this hardship?
Mashaallah this video really come at the right time, it's really motivates me. Thank you 🙂


This khutbah is explaining Surah Al-Ankabut, 29: 1-11


''Prayer is your medicine. Don't leave your prayer....don't do it.'' SubhanAllah...Jazzak-Allah Khair Nouman Ali. May Allah grant you no short of Jannat-ul-Firdois...ameen.


This man deserves closest Jannah to Allah and his prophets. He is doing a amazing job


I realized that life becomes harder the older one get. Never did I thought that I would question my faith. The small young boy that learned how to pray and worship by himself and now standing alone yet again by himself

I ask God for guidance. I shall never doubt his wisdom and excellence. He is God the creator of everything. who am I to dictate the terms.

it is Ok to feel sad and overwhelmed. It is human to feel that way. Yes, we crave for our creator and hopefully we can meet him one day.


Thank you. This needed to be heard in my home as some of us are struggling and going through tough times. In this Khutbah you mentioned many times how people ask Allah “why is this happening to me?”; it’s true, many do ask that. I can honestly say that I for one, have never once said that. I have always looked at these struggles as a test of my faith. I grew up in a house where my mom is Catholic, my dad was Methodist, and his mom was Nazarene. I have never truly believed in everything they teach or preach. I am so glad that I found Islam in 2002 and have chosen to revert.


I see a lot of comments of people saying how they've never questioned Allah or that they feel completely calm and peace with Islam, etc etc. That's all good but please keep your display of progress humble.

Perhaps you have never been tested in a way yet that makes you question your faith. While you should be happy, don't let arrogance, or even use a tone which suggests something of "accomplishment", lest Allah should test you in a way which really does bring you down to your weakest moments.

Be a source of joy and hope to people, and not self-righteousness.

It is even something Ustadh Nouman has said in the khutba; none of us are done with the test of life yet until we meet with our Lord.

Not only these self righteous comments are harmful to you, they're detrimental to those who ARE actually struggling with their faith. It is even more terrible when such comments end up on the top and being "most liked".


Ameen. Divorced and I thought I was alone in a country. I had my kids and no siblings and a convert and with no money and always God has provided for me and my kids one way or the other. Father is a millionaire and I thank God for that and I can honestly say having Peace in my soul has given me a right to share it and help others and honestly, Faith is a Blessing. At least for me. Right now I may not even have a place to live and yet I can say My Faith will protect me and my kids. Peace and being blessed with peace is my blessing. Dubai is a country USA is a country but My Faith Is my Life. Prayers are my medicine. Ameen


Depressed and anxious... feel lost for years. Now my twenties are over qnd I look to my thirities with an incredible amount of hope.

May Allah give strength cause health is difficult to manage!


Allah knows every beat of my heart. The pain and the anxiety. The day I stand in front of Allah, He will know the depth of my faith. I never let go of prayer no matter how bad things get.


Allah is the best healer Alhamdullillah ❤️‍🩹


On a lighter note, my left ear enjoyed this very much.


Thank you for your khutbah, I'm going through some really tough times, I almost lost my way, was not praying and skipping them, but I commit to myself from today that I'll stay on the right path. Thank you.


13:50" The part on purifying gold by getting rid of its impurities is an excellent analogy to illustrate and clarify why life gets hard.


Islam completes me. I don't feel empty from inside when I do my Salah, remember Allah everyday five times. I have kind of a unique calmness and happiness. A unique kind of a hope is always in me that nothing will happen to me because Allah is with me.


May Allah SWT turn all of our challenges and difficulties in to ease, and may he make us amongst those who remember his favour and mercy upon them always.
