Spend $40, Avoid Dying 12.2 Years Too Early

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There’s a silent killer nearly 50% of people don’t know about until it’s too late. But here’s the good news: You can uncover this risk for only $40 dollars

Here are the links to the research papers referenced in the video:

Thumbnail by James Kelly
Video edited by Troy Young
Script by John Milliken

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I lowered my BP by 20 pts on both numbers by switching to a whole food, plant based diet 7 years ago. I researched it afterwards and it is one of the most common benefits of making this diet change. So many other health markers improved as well, but BP was the first one to change so dramatically.


As you age blood pressure rises. Plaque and inflammation is at the root. High blood pressure is just a consequence. Lowering your blood pressure without addressing the cause won't help. Two things that helped me lower pressure wass Natto/Nattokinase 10, 000 fu/day and Vitamin D 10, 000 iu/day. In 6 months i went from 160's over 120's to 115/75's


Forty dollar blood pressure monitors lose accuracy over about a year. I had my Omron monitor checked at my doctor's office when I bought it, it was correct. Then when checked again a year later, it was reading too high. Omron has a class action lawsuit against it for "wildly inaccurate" readings. Consumer Reports rated the same monitor the suit is about as number one. I don't trust cheap home blood pressure monitors. You didn't recommend Omron, but I doubt the testing you cited was done again after a year to check if the monitor stayed accurate.


Lowering salt didn't lower my blood pressure. I took my salt level so low I started to get muscle cramps for the first time in my life. Removing sugar and carbs lowered my blood pressure!!! I salt to taste now!!! My blood pressure this morning was 113/65. No meds. However, when I gave blood and they checked it it was 135/78. They don't have me sit and rest for 5 minutes then check it and then rest for another 5 minutes and check again. I find I can drop the top number by more than 20 points by sitting and mentally relaxing. Often I will sit down and take my blood pressure and it will be high. Then I just RELAX and continue taking it until my blood pressure drops below 120/xx. I use it as an indicator I'm to tense and I need to relax.
Dash diet is okay but I don't believe it's the best diet for me. I'm on a mostly carnivore diet and that seems to be the best for me. If I go to deep into ketosis it seems my blood pressure goes up a little bit but I haven't tested that.


Everyone seems too fixated on resting BP when you should be aware of your active BP and pulse as well. If you work out and stop to check BP and pulse how long does it take to return to normal from that elevated number. That can be a better indicator of how healthy you are. Stress and times of anxiety are other events that should be monitored to see how long they impact BP and heart rate.


One thing I don't understand is, you're supposed to wait say 5-10 minutes in a quiet room relaxing before testing your blood pressure to receive an "accurate" reading but why do we use those numbers? You might be relaxed and have a low reading during that test but during everyday life you're surely going to encounter a lot of things that cause it to increase, caffeine, stress, etc. Is it better and more realistic to test without relaxing / winding down?


Problem is, , most doctors don/t know how to take blood pressure readings (of perhaps, don't care.) I recently visited my primary care doctor-- her nurse read my B.P. at 114 / 70. The next day I had an appointment with my eye doctor-- his nurse read my B.P. at 156 / 65. I have a B.P. monitor that has been independently calibrated-- I consistently get readings of approximately 120 / 70. And, by the way, wrist monitors are inaccurate.


I reversed hypertension simply by eating a very meat heavy, keto diet. It lowered my insulin levels, which in turn lowered my blood pressure. I've been eating keto consistently for over 5 years because I don't want to go back to being sick. I now consume over 4, 000 mg sodium daily, and my blood pressure remains at a normal level.


awesome video! Well talked and presented!


Brad. Can you please do a video sometime on how you set up your home gym for $250.


Thank you. Hypertension runs in my family, and although I lead a healthy lifestyle, I don't track my BP. This video was the motivation I needed to start doing just that.


#3 is by far the most damaging, as it impacts all the rest. #1, yes alcohol will temporarily lower sodium levels due to its diuretic nature, but you will crave salty foods like mad and most likely over eat, so it messes up #1, #2 and #5 (plus the calories from drinks) right there. It also impacts #4 as well, your workouts will suffer greatly from constantly being inflamed, and it is extremely demotivating being hungover.


Just add 0.5 tsp of potassium citrate to a cup of water 1-2 times per day. I don't understand why people don't do this.


Woah cool new editing Brad! Your the best amigo!


Many of us are stuck at a desk all day and it can hard to get breaks. Soleus push-ups (basically sitting calf raises) can still be a great regular fitness snack while sitting! There was even a study on them earlier this year that showed some possibly great data (that needs more replication, but 🤷‍♂️)


I live in Wellington but now i wanna live in Auckland so you can be my Doc, Doc.
Some of the best health content on youtube! ❤


Magnesium, quercetin and bergamot all seem promising for reducing BP too


My 90-year-old mother went to the doctor they said her blood pressure was to high. She said their blood pressure checkered was wrong. However, they sent her to the hospital. Where they couldn't even find the right size cuff to fit her arm and still got a wrong reading. . Where as her blood pressure cuff did not indicate it was high. She got mad and told them to let her out or she was walking. However her blood pressure seemed to go down at that point. 😅 And they released her. It's a little ridiculous when they're cuffs don't even fit or work.


I think that the decrease in life expectancy of 12.2 years is a tad exaggerated. If I remember correctly an increase of systolic pressure from 120mgHg to 160mmHg from about 40 will reduce your life expectancy by around a year and a half.


I can’t take it too often because I have low blood pressure already, and I need to raise mine daily..
