Hush little baby- Lullaby, sad version

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Hush little baby is the well known lullaby, but my version is a sad one. I hope you will enjoy it!
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“Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance “, Brené Brown


This sounds like something that would play while a grieving mother is remembering her lost child...


Most people in the comments imagine this from a mother whose child is dead, but I kinda imagined the opposite: a child remembering the happy times they had with a lost mother who died or abandoned them. Or maybe even dreaming of a childhood they never had.


Hush little baby
don't you cry
Everything will end up quite alright
You don't have to fear for your life
You'll be alright, now don't you cry

Mama's here, so don't be sad
She'll sing you a tone you'll always have
As you grow up, and end up alright
Least that's what she hopes you'll do
She hopes you dont end up broken too

*just a short song idea for this I had uwu*


Hush little baby, don’t you cry,
You were never truly meant to die.
For the world is an unforgiving place,
I wish I had more time to see your face.


Hush, sweetest brother, don't you cry
I promise you this is not goodbye
I've never made a promise that I might break
So dry your tears, stay strong for my sake

Sister loves you, don't forget
I hope loving me is not your regret
I've tried to shield you all your life
But now I think you'll need a new lullaby

I hope the day never comes that I remember these lyrics


Hush littile kids
Mommey is here
To save you
No beasts can
hurt you..
If they
hurt you
They need
to hurt me
Dont worry littile kids
When mommy
is still alive
Mommey will
always Save


Read this while hearing the song:

Hush my little monster don’t you croak
I have to tell you that I have broke
Please don’t fret and please don’t fear
Because if you do I might disappear


When innocent sweetness turns sad, you get a special kind of bittersweet that is either very soothing.... or highly unsettling...


I feel that instruments pierce the soul with their beauty. Yes, vocals create a similar sensation, but they are not as powerful. This is truly beautiful, so bravo!


And that ladies and gentlemen are what I call pure talent, true emotions, and feelings that you can listen to through music.


This is tragic and beautiful at the same time. For me, this portrays someone who lost everything and is unable to move on or let go. It portrays someone who is haunted by the past and can’t find peace. This is what I see as music


Damn it’s been two years since I heard this and still me and my handsome little champ still fall asleeep listening to this


Me as a teenager the melody reminds of when I was little and it just breaks my heart because of heartbreaking things that happened


When i listen to this song, it brings me somewhere very far away in another dimension


Thank you so much for this beautiful piano piece.


Read this while listening to the song and loop the song as you read(I realized I kept typing and It turned out to be quite long, I'm sowwy I'M LATE I KNOW)

There was once a family, A father, mother, and two children, one boy the other girl, lacy and max. One night the mother had passed away, the kids were 13. The father coped with the passing by replacing the mother. Max hated his stepmother, Lacy didn't want to face the fact of her mothers passing, but still cared regardless of the stepmother not caring about her nor her brother. One night, while their father was working, the mother kept Lacy at work, cleaning every inch of the house they lived in. Max stepped up to her, said she was lazy to make his sister do the work. The stepmother didn't appreciate that, yelled at the boy screaming so loud that you'd hear her even if you were by a helicopter. She smacked him and yelled at him to go to his room. Max yelled back as he was walking, "I don't understand why dad replaced mum, just because she died doesn't mean he has to move on the next 7 hours!!" The stepmother looked at him as if he had just murdered someone she had loved, her face grew red. "You're mother rather be dead then take care of you fools!" Max grunted as he stomped to his room on the left and slammed the door. Lacy just teared up while cleaning and being yelled at by the stepmother. Once her father had got home her stepmother was sleeping. "Father! You have to get rid of her! She's terrible I tell you! Terrible! She yelled at max! She yelled at me! Talked about mum!" The dad just stood there listening to her. "Hun, I understand how you are still going through your mother's..." He then paused. "Death. But please try to accept her." Lacy stood there, bit shocked. But nodded. Years went by and everything had changed since the mother died. Lacy would wake up, cook, clean, hear father leaving, max would get yelled at, arguing would go on for the rest of the day until it stopped minutes before the father would get home, Lacy would try to convince her father she wasn't making things up, she'd fail, and cry her self to bed, repeat. Until one day... she and her brother were called downstairs by the stepmother. "I'm sorry I've treated both of you terribly, can we go out for a walk and talk about it?" Lacy seemed relieved and gladly accepted, max hesitated before coming along. They walk for hours, but not once did any of them talked. "Umm, ma'm, where are we going? I thought we were just going for a short are we going to get home, it'll be dark soon n' there'll be wolves..." The stepmother started humming. "Don't fear darlings, everything's going to be alright, I'm right next to you~" Lacy stopped walking fast as did max. That sentence was the last their mother had ever said to them. "Don't delay now, we've still got a few steps to take~" Lacy and Max were getting worried. It was about 7:30 pm and it was a bit dark. "Oops! I forgot something! Be back darlings." She started to walk away and Lacy and max Started to follow. "Oh no no no no no! You two stay here don't move I'll come running back!" She started to run toward the way they came. Lacy and Max stood close waiting and waiting, and waiting, and waiting. It was about 11:00 and the stepmother still didn't come. "Where the bloody hell is she!? It's dark, cold, and dangerous here!" He lowered his head. "M-max" Lacy stuttered, "Father usually gets home at 8, it's 11...." She looked at her brother's wristwatch. Max's head jolted up. "She...she isn't going to come back...SHE TRICKED US!" He shouted in rage. "SHUSH UP! The wolves!" Lacy quickly said. Max started to get up. "Let's go, we'll get home ourselfs." They started to walk the made various turns, went up hills they didn't even remember going down, and kept walking. "Max, " Lacy said stopping. "Don't stop! Come on if we keep walking we might be able to get home by morning or brunch-" Lacy started to cry hard. "IF WE KEEP WALKING WE'LL DIE! IF WE KEEP WALKING WE'LL RUN INTO WOLVES! IF WE KEEP WALKING I'LL GO INSANE!!! FACE THE FACT WE'RE GOING TO DIE OUT HERE! COLD AND ALONE! HURT AND BROKEN!" She stopped to collect breath, then. She chuckled. Then she started to laugh. "It's not like I'm not used to it, I've always been alone, always been. I've always been scared, I've been full of fear, full of tears, sadness. I've been broken, bruised, beaten. I've been passed as a mistake! My problems and concerns washed away with 'it'll be fine!' 'You're overreacting!' WELL LOOK WHO'S THE FOOL NOW! STILL, ME INNIT! You're lucky, you get the uncut version of my life. HAHA! You've always been saved with your room! I always cried in mine! But who cared!? NO ONE! and no one ever will! We'll die and when we do I'll be free from this hell, I'll be able to see mother" She fell to her knees as she continued to cry. Max stood there not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry... I didn't-" He was cut off. "No, " Lacy said in a serious voice still crying. "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you. That mother wasn't dead. She was alive! But soon starved to death, and fed. TO US!!!!" She shouted in a deep voice that didn't sound like her own. Max was shocked, tears started to slowly appear on his face. Lacy got up and started walking in a different direction. "Where are you going!?" Max shouted in fear. "Away" Lacy responded. "Away where!? We can't spilt up!" Lacy stopped for a few seconds. "No, we can't..." Max started to have small bits of hope but were crushed as lacy started to talk once more. "We've already been separated, I'm just leaving so I won't feel the pain anymore" "PLEASE! DON'T GO!" Max shouted. "YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE I HAVE RIGHT NOW!!!" Lacy stopped. "I love you...Maxie" "NO! DON'T PLEASE I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING!" He started to chase her as she started to run. "GO BACK OR YOU'LL LOSE THE PATH!" Lacy shouted through tears while she kept running. "I RATHER LOSE THE PATH AND BE WITH YOU THAN GO WITHOUT YOU!" Lacy started to slow down then came to a halt and swung around. "I, said" She started through pants. "To..."... "GO BACK" Her voice was deep like the devils. Max was pushed all the way back to the house. As the wind pushed him away he screamed toward his sister. "NOOOO! I LOVE YOU" *love you too the sister mouthed. Max ran toward the house his loving family once lived in, burst through the door, ran to the kitchen, got a knife, and pointed it toward his stepmother's throat. "YOU WITCH! MONSTER! LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!! YOU'VE KILLED HER! SO NOW I'LL KILL YOU!!!" He Shouted through tears. The father came running up to try and stop his son. "What are you doing put the knife down, a-and we can t-talk!" He shouted fearfully. "I HATE HER. I LOVED HER. SHE. IS. A. MURDERER. I...I!" He shakingly lowered the knife a bit. "GET THIS MUT OFF ME HE'LL KILL ME! GET OFF YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Maxes eyes slowly lowered toward the floor as he dropped the knife. He started to go to the second half of the house. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!!" The Stepmother yelled. "SON!" The father pursued his hurting child. Once he got up to the second half of the house he could see max climbing out the window. "MAX!!!" He yelled in horror as he ran down again and burst the front doors open and looked up to the roof of the house. "MAX HUN! PLEASE GET DOWN!!!!" Max started to get closer to the edge. "I'm sorry father! I've always loved you, just as I loved Lacy before she was dragged into the forest with me by the bitch you call your wife! Lacy pushed me all the way here with a blast of wind created by her voice! Then I couldn't even get back in the forest and came here! I Love you, just as I loved lacy, and...Mother" The father looked beside him and the stepmother wasn't seen. He looked back up and saw her about to push max off. With a wicked grin on her face that spread from her ear to the other. "DON'T YOU DARE LYDIA!!!! I WILL MURDER YOU!" Lydia known as the stepmother was smiling. "Sorry, hun!~!" "I love you Dad, love you, Lacy! Love" He was pushed and died. The Father ran to his son's dead body. YOU'VE RIPPED THIS FAMILY APART!" The Stepmother somehow got down just as the body hit the floor. "No. You did!" She smiled. "You didn't pay her bills because you were poor, reached every inch of your children by remarrying me~ I, Just completed the job for you. So now, it's time, for you, to suffer." She stabbed him. He died. There was once a family, A father, mother, and two children. That family has been torn apart and suffered. Poor little girl... sad little family. But... is she really dead?
"I'm sorry..."


This sounds like something that would play at the end of a romance movie where the main characters love dies at the end and we see a scrapbook of all their time together slowly turn all monochrome


This is what I've been looking for


Using this for my drama performance! I love it
